Chapter 16

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Honestly, me not meeting Mitarashi Anko until twelve years of my life have passed in this Kami forsaken world has to be the biggest tragedy I've ever faced.

She's so much fun to be around! Not that I've seen her for very long but in the thirty minutes I've known her I just know we would be great friends.

That being said the fact she's making us sign paperwork incase we die does put a slight dampener on our entire meeting but it's fine. Not the first paperwork I've signed incase I die on the job.

"So kiddos, if you go into there and die we don't want it to fall on us. Signing this paperwork means we don't take responsibility for any deaths."

"Not as dangerous as Sensei's cooking..."

"Sensei cooks?"

"Not anymore."

"No chatting!"

Anko then proceeds to throw a Kunai at me as I just barely turn my head to stop it from grazing my cheek. It was more luck then actual skill to be honest with you.

Then this TONGUE caught the Kunai. Yeah, you saw right, a fucking tongue. It was like a snakes with the way it caught the Kunai.

And then don't get me started on the absolute chills the dude (or lady, I'm not too sure) who caught it gave me. They handed it back to Anko tongue extending the Kunai to her.

Still, props to the purple haired woman since she hardly made a face to the sight. She did, however, squint her eyes in distrust at the Kunai. Fair enough I suppose, it's covered in saliva.

Moving on from that disturbing experience. After signing an ungodly amount of paperwork me, Sasuke and Asaji make our way into the Forest of Death.

"Ya know, why are we even having a test in such a dangerous place?"

In the first five minutes upon arrival my poison resistance has been put to the test multiple times. Like, I've been poisoned more times in the last five minutes then I've ever had in my entire life.

"It is most likely to get rid of future competition for Konoha. We are not the only heirs of importance here."

Surprisingly enough it was Sasuke who said that and not Asaji. Didn't know he had it in him to be cynical of his village. Not yet at least.

"I guess it must be a big risk though. If one of heirs of Konoha die it's gonna look really bad for them."

"Best guess is that some of the Genin are Chunin or Jonin in disguise so that they can get rid of other villages Genin and allow us to get to the end alive. This is just baseless assumptions however so I wouldn't take it too seriously."

"Yeah, best not incriminate ourselves for treasonous thoughts against our village Sasuke."

"Naruto, you've nearly gotten taken to TnI multiple times. And that's just after graduation."

"Like you're any better! It's not my fault that everyone here can't take a joke."

"You threatened to blow up the Hokage tower if you had to do extra Chakra Control training."

"Ok, but like, Sasuke, you threatened to become a Missing-Nin after Sensei took away your Kunai pouch for trying to stab his uncovered eye out."

"And you-"

"Both of you, quiet."

"Yes Asaji." "Yes sister."

And the conversation was over. Until a fucking bear appeared from the depths of hell and nearly killed us. No, I'm not joking. A bear nearly did kill us.

If I have another chance then I'll do my best to actually live.Where stories live. Discover now