Chapter 21

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Looking over the balcony I watch as Asaji and Kankaro get into battle stances. Well, Asaji did, oddly enough Kankuro just stayed in place.

"Hey Sasuke, that thing on his back, what do ya think it could be?"

He eyed it for a moment before shrugging. "It's around the same size as him and isn't shaped like any weapon." He paused. "Sensei, what does Sunagakure specialise in again?"

"Puppets and poison." The devil himself answers gleefully as his singular eye scrunches up into an eye smile.

"Oh wow, Asaji better hope she was listening in the Sunagakure history lessons because I know I wasn't."

"You don't listen to lessons now."

"And I'll continue doing it. Teach me a cool Jutsu and maybe I'll listen."

"Maa, how about no?"

"Then I'm not-- oh look, it's starting."

Asaji went in with the Great Fireball Jutsu as Kankaro jumped out of the way. It was in that split second that she placed a Genjustu and her eyes widened.

"Wow, seems like she figured it out real quick"

Sasuke nods absently, his eyes never leaving the fight. "She's using her sharingan."

That she was. A single tomoe spun in her eyes as she moved her hands rapidly.

"Another fireball Jutsu?" I overhear a dude with really long hair say. He has a Byakugan so he's probably a Hyuga.

Maybe to an outsider it would look like that but if you train enough with someone you can tell when their hand signs are actually fake outs. Asaji wasn't actually moving her chakra at all, in fact, I'm certain that isn't even Asaji.

It seems as though Kankuro realised as well since he quickly dispelled the clone. Unfortunately for him Asaji used the second of distraction in her favour because from her hiding spot she threw multiple Kunai towards his real body on his back.

He dodged out of the way but one hit him causing a loud yelp to echo across the hall. Kankuro quickly unwrapped himself as his puppet covered for him while Asaji unleashed another fireball Jutsu at him.

This time the puppet didn't come out unscathed as it used its body to push Kankuro out of the way.

"Hey! Do you even know how long that took to make?!" He yells with an annoyed expression as he points to the wall Asaji stuck herself to using chakra.

"No, unfortunately Konohagakure doesn't teach puppeteering." Asaji says with a deadpanned expression.

Commentary over Asaji leaps at him and as they exchange close combat blows.

"Cool, Asaji has already won." Sasuke states to me as he finally stops looking at the fight.

Temari heard this and confronted him. "What do you mean? Kankuro still has more cards up his sleeve."

Sasuke quirks up an eyebrow before shaking his head. "Like poison? Asaji won't be poisoned." He says confidently.

"Oh? And what makes you so sure?"

"Take a closer look towards your brother and tell me what you see." He offers instead of answering.

Temari does so begrudgingly along with a few other Genin who happened to overhear the conversation.

Her eyes widen. "He's not hitting her at all. He's missed every single time by a few millimetres!" She pauses, thinking back across the fight. "She put him under a Genjutsu the moment they started talking."

It was in that moment that Asaji abruptly curled up her fist and threw the most painful right hook I've ever seen right into Kankuro's jaw. Even Sasuke winced at large crack noise that could be heard across the hall.

"Winner *cough* Uchiha Asaji!" The proctor declared, seemingly unfazed by the unconscious Genin who most definitely had a broken jaw.

Asaji takes her time moving up the stairs as medic nin escort the puppeteers unconscious out of the mini stadium. I gave Asaji a high five with a grin as Sasuke nodded his head in approval towards her.

A few more matches occurred. Neji vs Yoroi, the winner being Neji, it was an interesting fight since both countered each other very well.

Choji vs TenTen with TenTen winning seeing as she had a lot more experience then him.

Kin vs Zaku ended with Kin winning since Zaku forfeited.

Kiba vs Ino with Ino coming out on top though not unscathed. It was actually quite surprising, even Asaji thought Kiba would win considering he had Akumaru but Ino tactfully controlled Akumaru causing Kiba to not being able to attack him and ended up forfeiting since every time he tried to attack Ino Akumaru jumped in the way.

Shikamru vs Misumi ended with Shikamaru winning which wasn't really a surprise considering how smart he is when he tries to be.

Rock Lee vs Gaara was...something. Asaji and Sasuke's sharingan where on the full time to try and tell the rest of us what the hell was going on since Kakashi and Gai weren't being too helpful, something about the spring time of youth.

Rock Lee was amazing though may I just say. I don't skip leg day but the weights he was wearing are no joke. I mean, they created a massive hole in the ground when dropped. Gaara could hardly keep up his sand defence in time and Lee only got faster.

And then...that happened. I mean yeah, I thought Gaara was a tad deranged but wow. Honestly, I'm surprised he actually stopped, for a second there I really thought he was going to go on a murder spree.

Poor Lee, with the way his leg snapped he may never walk again. I mean, I don't really remember much about Lee but I think he's seen again so I'll just hope he recovers. The medic-nin didn't look as though they had much hope though...

After that whole fiasco the Hokage spoke up. "Seeing as though the arena has been destroyed the final match has been cancelled and both participants pass." He says evenly before departing.

Which was a good thing since both Temari and Sasuke seemed equally as pale along with every other Genin still in the room. Heck, Gai, TenTen and Neji didn't even stick around and left to go see Lee. Overall it was the final fight of the day kinda left everyone really down.

"They left the matches for the third round on the third floor. Do you want to see it?" Asaji asks me.


Uzumaki Naruto Vs Neji
Uchiha Asaji Vs TenTen
Nara Shikamaru Vs Yamanaka Ino
Uchiha Sasuke Vs Subaku Temari
Subaku Gaara Vs Aburame Shino

"Who the hell is Shino?" I wonder aloud.

"He literally went to the academy with us Naruto." Asaji says incredulously.

"No, I'm with Naruto on this one Asaji-nee, I don't know anyone named Shino."

"Poor Shino." Asaji mumbles as me and Sasuke turn to leave. "Well, I suppose it can't be helped."


Shino: Literally no one remembers me.

Naruto: That's, who are you again?


An: I got lazy towards the end and it shows. Asaji POV next chapter though.


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