Chpater 6

689 24 3

Holy shit Mizuki just killed a child. Like I know they can be annoying at times but wow he really didn't hold back.

I don't really know who it was since details on the matter are scarce but Asaji managed to get answers out of a few Chunins involved in the matter. Don't ask how, even I don't know how she does it.

She managed to get the mission report. Well, a more compressed version but still. I'll read it to you:

Konohagakure mission report 270,889
Mission ID: 4420*9*0
Time: XX-XX-XX

(Lots of other boring info)

Report: Traitor Mizuki managed to convince a academy student who had recently failed to become a Ninja to steal the Scroll Of Seals. As far as we are aware the now deceased student thought of this as a test and a "second exam" which is false.

It seems as though Mizuki had a list of students to pick from as shown in evidence File O-XEL6 where a list of student are found in the traitors desk. The students were seen as likely to fail. May have tampered with a few exams to ensure this. Review tests again.

The traitor was stopped before leaving the village by Chunin Umino Iruka were they had short confrontation. It is unknown what was said since Iruka refuses to speak on the matter and Yamanaka Riko suggests that the matter is not pushed until he is in a better mental state.

Mizuki was apprehended but not before injuring the student who was taken to hospital and later died.

Wow, just wow. Shinobi know what a mental state is? I fucking knew it! They know and are using it against us! Conspiracy!

In all seriousness you're probably wondering if the death of this student effects me at all. Some may think it is my fault since no one was meant to die had I just failed and stole the scroll myself.

To answer your question, no, I don't feel guilty. I feel sad that the child is dead but it's not my fault that it happened.

And before someone thinks that I don't really feel sad about the death I'll have you know that I do, in fact, feel sad. I'm not some emotionless monster. I have feelings to.

I know it doesn't seem like it but that's because from your perspective of me I have yet to show any significant emotions. I just say that I feel these emotions and no one really takes my word for it.

Interesting, really. Most self-inserts are either really emotional to the point it's a Shonan manga or so emotionless because of one reason or another that they don't feel real. And they're not. I wonder if I'm even real.

Enough with these deep emotions though. You're here for the actual graduation...or the Hatake. Probably the Hatake but then again I don't really know so I'll just get on with it.

Surprisingly enough Iruka didn't come in and instead the teacher from Kunoichi classes walked through.

"Did not see that coming. What about you, Hime?"

"I also did not see that coming."

"With those eyes? Your ancestors are rolling in their graves."

Oh, did I not mention it? Asaji has the sharingan, first small little thing in her eye or something like that. I don't know, ok! I'm not a Uchiha.

"Team 7, Uchiha Asaji, Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto under Hatake Kakashi, Team 8-."

It's not like I didn't expect that but...

"Kinda risky, huh, Hime?"

"Hatake Kakashi is a good Ninja. There is no other way they would assign two Uchiha on the same team otherwise."

"I suppose so..."

If our conversation sounds a little dry because we should already know this that's because we're watering down our conversation.

I remembered that the Hokage was spying on us with a few of the Sensei's. I know, surprising that I was the one to remember and not Asaji. This honestly could be filler for all I know so we're just playing it safe.

But it's not like we aren't cautious all the time. Heaven forbid Shikamaru hears our lunch time conversations. He'd have a stroke.

Ino too. She's often overlooked but despite being a bit dim in other people's emotions she can look deep into peoples words.

Now I know what you're thinking, Yamanaka's are meant to be good at reading people. But Ino is still a child so I don't expect her to know everything about humans. Hell, even I don't know and I'm in the middle of my second life.

Yeah, so Hatake showed up 3 hours late. Both me and Asaji completely forgot about that one.

Luckily my fat ass remembered to bring food. Like, a lot of food. No reason, I just wanted to bring it. Choji having food all the time reminded me that I should buy a storage seal to keep food in.

That takes away the need of having a fridge and lowers my electricity bill since it can store a lot of food for at least a month depending on what it is.

So yeah, we were eating like kings.

"Naruto, how you have that much food in your storage seal I'll never know."

"What do you mean Hime?"

"Normally, one should only be able to store six items in a single scroll yet you can store 18."

"...You don't make your you, Naruto?"

"I'm not an idiot Sasuke!"



"Ok, fine, I do!"

"Wow, what an idiot."

"Took the words out of my mouth sister."

While Sasuke and Asaji bully me for my stupidity we fail to notice a certain Ninja at the door. We don't notice him for another good ten minutes, I don't know, it was a while ago!

"My first impression of you all is...1/3 of you are idiots and the other 2/3 make up for that. Meet me on the roof."




"He didn't hear that, right Hime?"

"He did."




"Asaji, you're joining us!"

"Author-Sama, Naruto."

"Finally, someone intelligent has joined us!"

"I'm plenty intelligent!"

"Naruto you made your own seals without any could've made a black hole in the middle of Konoha."

"Don't forget the time she asked if Ninja's actually wear those open toed monstrosity's for fashion."

"I didn't know alright!"

"Common sense, Naruto."

"Last time I checked everyone has some, use it."


AN: Hope you enjoyed and Merry Christmas!


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