Chapter 20

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Would you believe me if I tell you that this is the first time I've woken up in a hospital bed? Well you shouldn't because I have yet to wake up in a hospital bed.

I mean, who's bright idea was this?! Dump the Genin that had recently got their asses handed to them by a Missing-Nin back into a stupid exam?!

On the bright side they did give us a free pass on the Forest of Death since we had all the scrolls anyway, that and if we continued they may have a lawsuit on their hands. The paperwork we signed didn't include dying to a Missing-Nin.

It did include a lot of other things though like: dying to infection, dying from standing to long, dying of hunger, dying of being too stupid. That last one was apparently made when some kid stood on a tree and started screaming for some animal to challenge them.

Anyway, now we're in the tower so it's all good. They recorded our score as [undisclosed] or something. Oh yeah, Demon Spawn made it to the tower as well! Apparently the silly dog wouldn't leave me alone so they just took the dog with me.

I'm really happy about that and me and Demon Spawn have been practising loads of little tricks together. For example the dog will now bite people on command.

"Demon Spawn, don't you think Sasuke has been sleeping to long?"



"Oh hey Asaji! You didn't hear anything right?"

"Please don't torment Sasuke, he's not fully recovered."

"Asaji, no offence, I love you and all but you are 80% bandages and Demon Spawn bites you all the time. You can't say anything."

"Naruto, it's precisely because that mangy mutt keeps biting me that I'm not allowing her to bite Sasuke."

"Her? Demon Spawn is a girl?"

"You didn't check the gender?"

"Look, Asaji, I didn't really think about that in the middle of fighting for my life."

"We've been here for two days, what battle could you've been facing?"

"Trying to cook."

At that I had to shudder. Making food has to be the most awful thing ever. Honestly, I'm surprised food poisoning wasn't the way I went out. From now till the end of time I will be thankful that Sasuke is a good cook.

On a more positive note it seems as though we're nearly all healed up. Asaji is getting her bandages removed and Sasuke's cuts are healing nicely, but he may have a small couple of scars on his leg.

Me on the other hand? Well it seems as though I had three broken ribs, a fractured arm, slight internal bleeding and a few more things that I kinda tuned out. I feel fine though so it isn't too big of a deal.

Oh yeah, some people have started to enter the lately. Most notably Gaara because Asaji has been freaking out about it. Apparently, not all Jinchuriki are chill when their village hates them. Who would've thought?

Anyway, it was nearly the end of the exam mark and we were told to make it to the arena. Sasuke and Kakashi were talking about something while me and Asaji started talking as the rounds were announced.

"It seems as though you will be fighting Hinata." Asaji says with a frown.

"Something wrong with that?"

"Not at all, but I could've sworn...never mind."

"Aw, don't leave me hanging in suspense like that! Oh, it seems like you're going against someone called Kankaro."

"Kankaro huh?" She murmurs and stops talking.

See that's the thing about Asaji, she'll be thinking of something critically important but not say it because she's really paranoid about people overhearing. I get where she's coming from but sometimes it's a bit ridiculous.

For example, she wouldn't even confirm things about main villains even when there is no one around but us. Like, I asked her about Kaguya's abilities through English and she still wouldn't say anything.

At some point you just gotta let go of the paranoia, it's driving everyone crazy. But like I said, I get it. Sometimes doubt fills your mind to the point were you can't--

"Uzumaki Naruto and Hyuga Hinata, *cough* make it *cough* down to the arena." The man got out before going into a coughing fit.

Is he alright? I'm sure there is a medic-nin around somewhere. He sounds like he needs one.

Anyway, I jump off of the railings and use chakra to not break my bones. You know, because I'm extra as hell. Like I've got to show off a little from time to time.

Hinata made it down not long after and while she looked nervous she also didn't look as though she would allow herself to be pushed around.

"Good luck Hinata-Chan! May the best Kunoichi win!"

"T-thank you, N-Naruto-Chan."


Ok, so I'm against someone from a clan who's known for blocking chakra and putting their opponents in agonising pain for days. First things first, distance.

Jumping onto the wall behind me I move my hands in order to create a water clone. I then promptly regret it as the clone used my head as a means of acceleration and flew towards Hinata. The clone missed Hinata and punched the ground causing a small created to be formed.

Creating a couple more I take a moment to analyse the situation. Truth be told Ninjustu is my strong suit but against someone like Hinata who could stop short ranged jutsu before it happens it's no good. I won't be close enough to make good use of most of my jutsu but...well, I never said my Tiajutsu was lacking either. The main problem is my chakra points and...oh, it seems as though my clones have been dealt with.

Hinata charges at me. I stare at her. She continues running. I still stare. Hinata sinks into the ground.

Well, call Kakashi what you like but he does teach something. In this case it's some Earth Jutsu (it's not even my element!) so I guess he saved me on this one. He taught me on the way back from that one C-Rank mission (Asaji and Sasuke really suck at Earth Jutsu, like even worse then me) because I kept bugging him. I don't think he expected me to learn it but I suppose I like proving people wrong.

You see when I created that first clone my goal wasn't hit Hinata but to create a hole in the ground that was deep enough that I could use it to bury Hinata if I used the jutsu but not enough to make it seem obvious. Of course, had she noticed the clone had a bit too much chakra for a simple distraction then she might've noticed.

I look over to my opponent. Poor Hinata seemed absolutely flabbergasted with her head being the only part of her body above ground.

"You surrender?"

"I surrender." She says softly.

"Match goes to *cough* Uzumaki Naruto!"


Naruto: Hinata is literally the sweetest person ever I'd never hurt her.

Also Naruto: Traps her in the ground.


AN: I live.


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