Chapter 11

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Ok, so funny story. In my past life my cousin and I were on a road trip with our parents when all of a sudden his sister started crying.

The worst thing about that was that this trip was gonna be at least five hours long and there was no way in hell our parents wanted to listen to a baby crying for the entire thing.

Now me and my cousin decided that as the elder children we were gonna calm her down.

And in a moment of clarity nine year old me had this amazing idea of singing every nursery rhyme we knew at the time.

So now our poor parents had to listen to not only a crying baby they also had to listen to two nine year olds Kami awful singing!

Not a fun story for our parents but we certainly had a great time!

"Are we nearly there yet?"

"For the last fucking time Naruto, no. And if you ask me again I will actually remove your vocal cords."

"Aw, how mean."

To bad I won't get any fun road trip memories with these party poopers. Like, I've got two emotionally constipated teen and adult. Now there is some alcoholic old man to!

This whole thing can't get any worse.

Oh my, a bunny! I haven't saw one since our class visited a farmer to properly understand other professions for civilians.

They had a few bunny's but they were really dirty because they hadn't been taken care of since it was hard work. But this one is clean!

Wait a damn minute...oh shit.


Just then a sword swung down as we dropped to the ground. Unfortunately, as the one closest to the old man I had to drag him down. Fortunately, it wasn't a nice fall for him.

A dude with a bunch of bandages and an edge look stood on the sword while looking down on us.

"Hatake Kakashi of the Sharingan how nice it is-."

I really don't care for what he's gonna say so I'll let him have his little villain monologue while actually thinking.

This guy is A-Rank and uses Water Jutsu. Asaji wrote it on my back in English as we were walking so I know a bit about him.

Ok, Water Jutsu in Kirigakure is typically Water Clone and that Mist Jutsu. At least, that's what a guy at his rank should know. Taking that into account he'll probably have a good arsenal. Maybe Water Prison if we're really unlucky.

With this in mind he can go mid to short range. He won't bother learning many long ranged attacks given he fights with a sword so if we fight at a distance we could be at a advantage.

Too bad this is fighter team and we mostly know short to mid range as well. Asaji and Kakashi maybe know a few long ranged attacks but I doubt that they will be of much use.

With Kakashi as our primary fighter we will have to act as supports and protect the client. Apparently, one of Kakashi's weaknesses is Chakra drainage so I can provide a transfusion if really necessary.

Thank Kami for Asaji drilling that Jutsu into me. With that Kakashi can fight for a while longer.

Now as for the other two. Asaji knows a bunch of Genjustu with that Sharingan of hers and Sasuke is no slacker. If they bombard this guy together it can prove a fatal distraction.

"Got a plan Naruto?"

"Yeah, you two give him a Genjustu attack while I giving Kakashi Chakra transfusions. Make sure to cover me when I do that."

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