Chapter 19

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Sooooooo, this awkward. I'm not sure what Snake dude was expecting but he didn't out right attack me immediately and now we are kinda staring at each other, waiting for the other to do something.

The trance was broken when Demon Spawn growled at the Snake and I had epiphany that I could put both Sasuke and Asaji down and fight the Snake.

In the end both Uchiha siblings where thrown into the nearest bush and I charged at the Snake with a Kunai in my hand. He ducked and punched me in the stomach with alarming speed.

Honestly, I knew he was good but that speed alone told me I was completely out classed and would not be winning even if I was in peak physical condition.

But here's the thing, the Snake is fairly certain I'm some dumb kid who has no idea what I'm up against and in an essence he is right. However, I'm not so stupid as to not form a solid plan to at least try and escape.

Throwing down a smoke bomb that probably didn't work as well as I hoped I created a couple Water Clones before jumping out of the mist with the clones by my side.

Of course, the Snake knows which one is me but every time he charges at me I create a new one that takes the attack. Which is really hard considering how fast this dude is.

A Water Clone won't be immediately dispelled if I'm hit considering since they are physical creations but the only reason I'm not creating more is because there is just not enough water to create them. This is a forest and although there is some water puddles laying around unless it starts raining I'm limited.

The Snake dispels another Clone as he watches me, a wide grin on his face and a lax posture that looks way to at ease to be real. Or maybe it is, some Shinobi are just insane.

"You're quite talented child. Though it is unfortunate you must die here. A talent such as yourself may prove to be a serious threat in the future. You understand, don't you?"

"Sure, I'll be more than happy to die, but first I kinda want to live a couple more decades. You understand, right?"

"Ha! A child of humour I see, it is also quite humorous that you thought I wouldn't notice your little clones try and take your teammates away from here while I was distracted."

"No I didn't. You're imagining it."

His pale lips that were in a grin before somehow got wider and revealed his really sharp teeth that could most definitely chew off someone's head. That was terrifying...but also a little cool...and really impressive. Like, do you know how much force it would take to do that? I don't know either but I'm sure it's a lot.

"Though this little game has been fun it must come to an end..."

"Yes, I suppose so."

And just like that we both started running. One away and the other was chasing. My Clones can't go to far away from me or they'd lose there physical form and revert into water, leaving Asaji and Sasuke unprotected and knowing their luck they'd get attacked immediately...though maybe that's my luck.

Anyway, running towards them is a huge risk but running away may be a greater one considering both are incapacitated and even if they weren't they are in no condition to fight.

Ah, what to do, what to do. 'Come on Naruto, think, the Snake is going to catch you any second now, the only reason you haven't been caught is because he's toying with you or is wanting you to lead him to Sasuke and Asaji. So think of something quick!'

Wait a damn minute...where the hell is Demon Spawn?! Did I lose him? Did the Snake get him? I-

"Are you thinking about this little thing?"


"Get your hands off Demon Spawn you crusty, overgrown, unlovable, unworthy, disgusting, revolting, musty Snake!"

"...Was that really necessary? Look, just tell me where your teammates are and you and this...thing, can walk away unharmed."

"...Did you threaten Demon Spawn?"

"Well I suppose I have-"

A sickening crunch can be heard as my fist connected against an unfortunate snake with the full fury of a Bijuu oozing from my body.

That bastard dared...he actually had the audacity. Hurting me is one thing, hurting Sasuke and Asaji is another, but Demon Spawn? That adorable, fluffy little dog I found in a forest of literal death? Too far dude.

As I was about to leap at the bastard again I changed plans, turned on my heel and grabbed Demon Spawn and bolting through the trees. The Kyuubi Chakra thingy was helpful enough to make me run faster but it looks like it's gonna harm my body and maybe even Demon Spawn.

The poor dog whimpered lightly as if to signify that the cloak did hurt him. Yeah, me too buddy, but it's either that or the Snake so we're gonna have to make it through this because the cloak isn't leaving no matter how hard I try to make it.

It was kinda starting to hurt, actually, maybe that's a sign that the Kyuubi should stay asleep, I was doing just fine without it.

'Really, this just sucks. Is there no one else around? Wait a minute...' I quickly scan the area before a slow grin forms on my face. 'That's brilliant.'

"Listen up Demon Spawn, I need you to run as fast as you can, don't stop no matter what."

The dog immediately jumped out of my arms and started running much to my surprise. 'I'm definitely getting a Ninken after this.'

Turning on my heel and looking at the Snake head on I paused to find no one there. For a moment there was silence and in the next I was sent flying across the forest.

My vision turned black on the edges slightly. 'Holy shit I'm gonna pass out, this sucks!' I think before I actually pass out.

The final thing I saw was a woman with purple hair standing in front of me.


Naruto: Oh my god I hope Demon Spawn is alright!

Asaji and Sasuke who are both unconscious and heavily injured: What about us?!


An: I finally completed the chapter! No more forest of death, yay! Sorry for the break everyone, exams have been hectic. Hope you all enjoyed!


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