Chapter 3

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As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted. You stupid author I'm really gonna kill you! Wait till I find out how to reach you, you'll regret my creation then!

Ok, I'm done now. Back to the academy I go.

So apparently teachers have to teach me correctly or they'll literally get fired. One teacher showed me how to manage my chakra incorrectly and suddenly they had an unfortunate 'accident'.

Which is not too surprising honestly. I'm the villages biggest weapon. The only reason I can imagine the Original getting away with as much as he did was because of his status.

While the villagers might not like the Jinchuriki they have no say in their training and therefore have no room for bias in these matters.

In all honesty I do understand why the Original was the way he was. His ego was fed in the pre-academy to believe he was special and then was unceremoniously dumped into the actual academy with only animosity directed towards him.

And the thing that really makes it fucked up?

"You need to earn the respect of the village."

Those were the parting words of someone who's raised me since I was a child! It was obviously planned in this case.

The way Naruto acted shows that the words of his caretaker hid in the surface of the things he did. At first attention was the only way he could get what little care he wanted. Pranks, in this case.

And the elders saw this as him trying to get attention as well. It proves their brainwashing was working so they left it be.

All the more reason to think there is another Uzumaki since they didn't need a well trained one in the form of Naruto. They just didn't want him to leave.

Well trained or not it doesn't matter to them. Those bastard just want the Kyuubi.

However, a well trained weapon is always preferred so I suppose they would ensure my education was done well.

The thing is, those old fucks brainwashing kinda worked on me too. I was socially deprived and really connected to any form of conversation. I think Asaji understood that since she always indulged my spiel of words. Aw, that's kinda sweet.

Moving on to the Uchiha massacre! I know, big jump, but nothing else really happened.

Asaji and Sasuke where eight and I was seven at the time. Both of them were in the hospital for like a month. I was so damn bored without her. All I heard were people wondering about Sasuke but no concern for her! I know they are little girls but really, have some emotional depth for others too!

But I'm kinda a hypocrite in this case since I really didn't care much about Sasuke. In my defence cannon assured me he would live but Asaji's life and death is a lot more blurry.

She was never meant to be born, like me. Unlike me, however, I'm safeguarded with the protagonist aura that consists of me being a Jinchuriki. We were mostly relying on Itachi's sibling complex that she would come out alive.

That and the fact that the Jinchuriki may go on a rampage inside the village if one of their friends got hurt.

Which I can't tell if that's something Shimura would want or not but considering Asaji has yet to be assassinated yet I'll say Shimura doesn't want that or Itachi is coming in clutch for once.

I don't really like him to be fair. Always rubbed me the wrong way. Heaven forbid one of his simps hear me though, they'll have my head in a day.

While I can understand that he didn't have much of a choice regarding the Uchiha massacre you can't tell me that he absolutely couldn't spare at least a couple more kids? What was their crime, being emo as hell?

Well, I'm not in much of a position to judge since I did nothing about the massacre but in my defence that isn't really my problem. So I'll let Itachi do whatever suits him until he comes knocking at my door for the Kyuubi.

Back to Asaji though. After a month in the hospital she came back with major eye bags. Some bitches didn't get the hint and pestered her about Sasuke.

Naturally I knocked the bloody shit out of some school girls. In my defence...nah, I have nothing to say. I beat some eight year olds up with no remorse and will do so again.

Asaji had a good laugh about it though. So in my mind it was absolutely worth the detention.

"I can't believe you punched a couple of little girls."

"I'm a little girl too! In fact, I'm younger, they should be ashamed of losing to their junior!"

"You're a grown ass woman. Well, maybe not just yet but you're at least sixteen mentally."

"You're at least seventeen mentally yet did nothing! Bloody hypocrite."

While me and Asaji are at least nine years older than our body's we're still kids biologically and I'll be damned if I don't totally abuse that fact to bullying some kids.

They're little shits that need to be put into place, can you blame me? Ok, I know it sounds bad but don't act like you wouldn't don't the same!

Chapter break

"No one else would do that you weirdo. You say the most outrageous controversial things like they are nothing."

"Fair enough, but that little Ami bitch said that Asaji should be in the hospital instead of the Uchiha brat!"

"Wow, she actually said that? The audacity of that bitch. I didn't know eight year olds could be that mean...that was a lie, all kids are mean."

"Not me, you stay safe though."

"The amount of bullshit that comes out of your mouth is unbelievable. I can't-"

"Ok, that's the end of the chapter. Byeeee!"

"You don't have the authority to end the chap-"

Chapter end

AN: Hope you enjoyed


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