Chapter 2

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Oh my, you're back! I didn't expect that one. Now listen in closely (or read, whatever suits you I guess) and watch the shit show that is my academy years.

So like any other child I walk to school with a backpack and a nice red kimono with flowers imprinted on it.

It was kinda hard to move around in at first but that's because I wore it wrong. A nice ANBU helped me get ready on the first day but it didn't happen again. Not that I expected them to, those fuckers help me once and expect me to know it first try.

Anyways, did you know kimonos in the shinobi world are specialised in utility and movement? They are actually different from the ones in the Old World. Not that I would know, I'm just assuming here. I died before I could wear one.

Moving on. So I'm sitting there, minding my own business like an average member of society when I look up to see some girls squealing.

It was the younger Uchiha brother. Now even if I didn't have all of my memory's I'm older than a bloody six year old so of course I didn't react the same. I'm not some cradle robber, damn.

And then another girl walked in. She looked just like the Uchiha so I could only assume they were related somehow. Bare in mind the Uchiha massacre hadn't happened yet so I wasn't too surprised seeing another Uchiha.

The girl looked at me and plopped down on the seat besides me.

"Are your memory's a mess to or is just a me problem?"

"You know if I was a normal kid I would think you were a freak."

"Sorry. But it's not just me, right?"

"Nah, don't worry about it. I can't even remember my name."

"Oh, me neither. By the way, is your brother near by?"

"I don't have a brother."

"Naruto isn't your brother?"

"I am Naruto."

We both paused and in that moment I had a revelation. The girl in front of me was probably Sasuke's sister. They look too much alike and if she first suspected that I was Naruto's sister she must've been in a similar position to think so.

But anyway, back to what's important, I gained a friend! Now this may not seem to important to you but I'm socially deprived as fuck. I want to have a nice long chat with someone other than I, me and myself.

So we got to chatting. Apparently, I was right (like always) and she was, in fact, Sasuke's twin sister by some twist of fate. Makes me wonder if I was also Naruto's sister but I ate him in the womb. Food for thought.

Her name is Asaji and she is a reincarnation like me. Again, neither of us were aware of you lot at the time so we had a lot of theory's about our deaths and memory's.

And if you're wondering why I'm not as surprised by the fact that there is another reincarnation I'll have you know it's not as wild a thought as shinobi being real.

Seriously, I wonder why people get so surprised that they aren't that special. If it happened to you it probably happened to someone else.

Class started and is was sooooo boring. How the hell the original even stayed in school is a mystery no one will know.

Oh wait, he didn't stay in school, he skipped. I should do that. Eh, who cares? I'll do what I want. I don't want to be a stupid shinobi anyway.

Ok, realistically that's never gonna happen. If the village needs a jinchuriki they'll probably just extract the beast out of me or something like that.

They don't need a weapon per say. Having the kyuubi alone proves a successful deterrent but a well trained one is something else.

And I doubt they don't have at least one Uzumaki in ROOT for a situation like this. Karin, Nagato and Naruto were only the ones we know of. There's got to be more with how easily they found each other.

Oh my Kami, I need to continue.

Me and Asaji chatted like two gossiping old women for the first month before getting kicked out of class for being chatterboxes. Not that surprised, really.

We were like two old friends who got passed to awkward phase of seeing each other and going into detailed recounts of what we were doing in the mean time.

"Such a drag."

"Careful, Shikamaru."

"Shut it Naruto."

"Sorry your majesty Uchiha Asaji, my lord and saviour~"

"I'll actually kill you."

"I'd like to see that."

Uhhh, boring. Really, the academy days were painfully slow. So while we're here I can trail off. My dear friend has recently realised that the Uchiha are going to die and she won't stop it.

Asaji isn't some emotionless monster for not wanting to do something about the decimation of her clan. In fact, it's probably the most caring thing to do.

She's hella young so who's gonna listen to her and support her? Not anyone that matters. All it would do is put her in terror of the inevitable. At best she's labelled as crazy, at worst she's taken by Danzo. Not good either way.

So in the end Asaji is stuck with too little knowledge and too little power to stop anything. Sucks, I guess. Glad it's not me.

Chapter break

"Oh come on! All I talked about was the stupid academy you dumb author!"

"Hush, and aren't you the author technically? This is from your perspective."

"Don't remind me. This is your idea so you take responsibility!"

"Ok, ok, I'll allow you to talk about graduating in the next chapter."

"Now you listen here-"

Chapter end

AN: hope you enjoyed.


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