Chapter 17

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Dead, we were so fucking dead. Oh Naruto, it can't be that bad right? The fuck it is that bad! No seriously, this may actually be the end.

So here's what happened. I ran towards the destruction only to find some random dude attacking my teammates.

Asaji looked panicked and Sasuke looked on the verge of throwing up. Yeah, that's enough information to tell you were dead.

And then I'm like, fuck, we need to leave since this guy is way out of our range. So naturally I make as many clones as I could, used henge to make multiple copies of us, and started running.

That plan would probably be more effective if I had the Shadow Clones but I don't so there was one more thing I had to do to disguise ourselves from that dude. And that was to seal our Chakra.

"No way Naruto."

"We don't have the time to argue Sasuke! That snake is gaining on us!"

"Exactly why we shouldn't be defenceless when he does come!"

Asaji was strangely silent so I decided to wrangle her opinion out of her before we all die.

"Asaji, what do you think?"

"...I think Naruto's plan is our best bet right now. If we stay and fight, we'll be killed for sure. We need to escape and regroup."

Sasuke grumbled but eventually agreed. We sealed our chakra and ran as fast as we could, hoping to lose our pursuer. It was a risky move, but it was our only option at the time. Well, probably not but it was the best idea I had.

With our Chakra sealed we may have been slower but our signature vanished from anyone following us. Besides, my existing Water Clones threw tones of smoke bombs and sensor disrupters around so we where pretty masked.

After what felt like forever, we finally managed to lose the snake. We collapsed on the ground, panting heavily. We were safe for now, but we knew that we couldn't let our guard down. We needed to come up with a new plan and fast.

"Okay, we need to regroup and figure out our next move. We can't let that guy catch us again. Let's rest for a bit and then head to a safe location."

We were all shaken up from the encounter, but we knew that we had to keep going. Our lives depended on it. Probably.

So after around thirty minutes we finally managed to get back onto our feet. Our sealed Chakra had re-opened and there's no doubt in my mind that the Snake Dude will find us soon.

"Everyone understand the plan?"

"Run it by me one more time Asaji."

"The man is Orochimaru of the Sanin, he won't give up until he achieves what he wants. Either we make it to the tower with our one Earth Scroll or get a Heaven Scroll on the way, and get to safety. Or stay here and be hunted down."

"And I'm guessing we are going to the tower?"

"Exactly that Naruto. Now can you sense any near by teams?"

"Not really but I felt a signature earlier around that huge tree earlier."

"I see, let's head there and if there is nothing we go straight to the tower."

"I say just go to the tower sister, it's too dangerous if that man is really who you say it is."

"Sasuke, trust me please. Though it may seem risky that man won't just prowl around the Forest of Death like he owns it. I suspect that he's been discovered after that stunt and will be more careful."

Hopefully. Probably. Maybe. I don't know but I trust Asaji enough to not question that. I know she's risking not going to the tower since it means disqualification without another scroll. It's probably something that happened in the series in that case if she won't let it go even with danger.

Asaji led the team through the dense forest, her keen senses on high alert for any sign of danger. Me and Sasuke followed closely behind, their eyes scanning the area for any potential threats.

As they made their way towards the giant tree, I suddenly stopped in my tracks.

"Wait, I sense something,"

"What is it?"

"I'm not sure, but it feels like there's someone watching us."

Asaji frowned, her mind racing as she tried to figure out their next move.

"Stay alert, both of you. We don't know who or what is out there, so we need to be prepared for anything."

With that, we continued on, moving slowly and cautiously through the forest.

After what felt like hours of walking, we finally arrived at the giant tree. The signature was still there, faint as it was.

Turns out it was a group from the Rain village or something. I don't really know, villages that aren't the main four I can't really remember.

Anyway, the team was a good fight. They were a couple years older and defiantly too over qualified to be Genin.

I was up against a Kunoichi that. Would. Not. Stop. Throwing. Kunai. It was awful I tell you! I swear that girl has a Kekkei Genkai that can make Kunai out of think air because she didn't even reach into her pouch.

And if that wasn't enough the Kunai were laced with poison. And I got cut a lot so I'm pretty sure that the only reason I managed to win that fight was because of the Kunoichi's sheer horror of the poison that I was resisting that deadly ass poison.

Like, I got up, arm slightly dead and a Kunai in my other hand, dug the Kunai out and then threw it into the Kunoichi's stomach. She toppled over immediately so that shit was pretty deadly.

Honestly though, what kind of idiot uses poisons that they haven't built a resistance for? Anyway, the Kunoichi wasn't dead so it seems she had some resistance.

Moving on, turns out the group did have the scroll we needed so that was a good thing. Sasuke tied up the team in Ninja wire and we left them there so we could go onward to the tower.

I do feel bad though. This forest is really deadly and not only is this team defenceless, tired and out of ammunition they also won't be found for at least four more days. Or five, I don't remember the time limit on this test.

It wasn't as though we were much better though. I kept having to stop so I could throw up the poison in my system, Asaji looked more Chakra Exhausted then ever and Sasuke kept getting random pains in his leg to which we find out it's twisted. So yeah, not in a place to be giving sympathy to anyone.

On the bright side at least we can get to the tower early to rest. Hm, oh, another Chakra signature, it's quite far so it's not something we'll have to worry about.

"Naruto, is anyone still looking at us?"

"Hm? Oh that! Yeah, completely forgot about it, one second-"

From the corner of my eye I barely have time to register the Chakra Signature that had been following us all this time. Razor sharp teeth lunge at my throat.


"Did you really forget that someone was following you?"

"In my defence I don't really search for none human Chakra sources."

"So what the hell is this animal? A baby Biju or something?"

"Wouldn't you like to know."

"I mean, yeah, that why is asked."

"No, what you were meant to say in response was-"


AN: hope you enjoyed.


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