Chapter 8

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Oh dear Kami save us all from the menace called Hatake Kakashi. Not only did he show up five hours late (we predicted this and planned ahead) he's also not pulling his punches!

"My rib is broken."


"Aren't you going to avenge me Hime? Don't you love me?"

"Enough to fight the Copy Ninja? No."

"So mean! My heart can't take this! This is the end of Uzumaki Naruto!"

"Shut it. The old bastard may hear you and that rib of yours will be the least of your problems."

"Who are you calling an old bastard?"

"AHHHH! Holy shit sensei you scared the living day lights out of me!"

"Shut it and run Naruto!"

So I got up and ran. Truth be told my rib healed like five minutes ago so I'm all good. That water clone of mine though? Punched into oblivion.

Meanwhile, I sat safely in the trees with Sasuke. Hopefully, Kakashi decides to go after Asaji and not us.

He did, in fact, go after Asaji. Big mistake, there's a reason why she got 100% in the academy, a score only Namikaze Minato held before her.

Explosions sound in the distance as both me and Sasuke wince in sympathy for Kakashi. Walked right into it.

Substitution Jutsu can only get you so far since it involves switching with an object you can touch which is why it is not seen as overpowered as people make it out to be. So he's not getting out of it that easy.

That's why Shisu is called Shisu Of The Body Flicker and not Shisu Of The Substitution Jutsu. Two different things.

After ten minutes of explosions, clashing of Kunai and fifty smoke bombs later we came out after Asaji said it was safe.

In the middle of the training field sat the Copy Ninja with his hands up in mock surrender. He obviously wasn't actually fighting at full strength but decided that the display was impressive enough.

"Now which one will you give the bell to Asaji-Chan?"

"Give it to Sasuke! I don't want to be a stupid Ninja!"

I was promptly hit over the head a bell was shoved into my hand and the other into Sasuke's.

"You both set the traps. I merely lead sensei into them."

Sasuke shoved the bell back into her hand as I shoved mine into his.

"Seriously, I don't mind going back to the academy. I'm the youngest anyway so I was meant to do another year."

"No way, Asaji will skin you alive. I'm saving you from certain death."

And with that the bell was in my hand.

"Aiya, you lot really don't care much about staying in this team, do you?"

"With you as our sensei? I'll take my chances in the academy."

"And what does that mean Asaji-Chan?"

"It means Chunin are typically better teachers then Jonin since the gap between skill isn't too far from their higher ranking students. I'm a higher ranking student, the academy can teach me more than you."

"Then you'll be disappointed to know you all passed. This was a test of teamwork after all and you all passed with flying colours!"

We all looked at him like he was an idiot as he visibly deflated.

If I have another chance then I'll do my best to actually live.Where stories live. Discover now