Chpater 7

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The copy ninja sat on the ledge of the rooftop with his signature eye smile. I can't understand his simps but I do get the appeal. He's quite mysterious which makes him handsome in some peoples eyes. Not me personally but some people.

Sasuke was giving him the most hateful glare ever. Asaji looked as though her sharingan might evolve.
And me? I was smiling like an idiot or so I'm told.

"How about we introduce ourselves?"



"I'll go first Sensei! I'm Uzumaki Naruto! My likes are the Hime's cooking, punching annoying children and gossiping like an old lady! My dislikes include being told to be quite, like how dare you silence me pathetic mortal?! And getting glares for no reason! Like come on I'm a annoying kid I get it but you're a grown ass adult. Grow up and focus on your grey hairs and bratty children instead of me. No wonder your husband left you you old witch, you-."

"Ok, moving on. Asaji, how about you?"

"I'm not done-."

"My name is Uchiha Asaji. I like Naruto's rambaling, my brother telling her to shut it and plotting the demise on innocents. My dislikes include idiots that don't know what their plans truly entail, people who can't find other ways and Uchiha Madara."

"Why Madara?"

"I just think he's a bitch."

"Fair enough, Sasuke?"


"My turn I suppose. My name is Hatake Kakashi. My likes are none of your business. My dislikes are also none of your business. My hobbies-."

"Are reading Icha Icha! Don't think I don't see you walking around Konoha without that book! Every adult says you shouldn't read that around kids and read something half decent instead of that perverted trash!"

"Icha Icha? Have some class sensei."

"Sasuke how the hell do you know what Icha Icha is?!"

"How do you, Naruto?"


"That's what I thought."

Eventually we were told of the bell test and went home. By home I mean the Uchiha district since we're having a sleep over.

Me and Sasuke made a pillow fortress while Asaji made popcorn and drinks. The TV in the Ninja world doesn't have many shows but every Sunday a new movie is on.

"What's the description of the movie coming out? Oh, pass that pillow next to you Sasuke."

"A girl going against her family's wishes and marrying a Shinobi. Here you go."

"Thanks. But what a boring trope."

"It's better than last week. Or at least I hope it is. The acting was so dry."

"One of the worst. Hey, if this whole avenging your clan thing doesn't work out you wanna become actors?"


"Oh my Kami yes, it'll be so much fun!"

Asaji brought in the popcorn as we settled down near the TV.

Oh, yeah, I haven't mentioned Sasuke much besides the occasional snide comment. We aren't that close in my eyes. At least, not as close as we are to Asaji but that's understandable.

Still, we have an alright relationship. I remember when we were younger and he would come to me so he wouldn't have to tell Asaji about his newest training injury.

I know I shouldn't have encouraged it but it's better than the kid hiding his injuries from everyone and not getting the right treatment.

"Buncho-San! Don't turn away from me!"

"I must my dear Fusae-Hime! For I am but a Chunin Shinobi while you are a Hime of the Light Kingdom!"

"But I love you!"

"As do I my dear! But we can never be for your family will never approve!"

"I don't care Buncho! All I need is you!"




I've never been so bored in my life. Truly the worst movie on here.

I turn around to look at Asaji who's fallen asleep and look back at Sasuke who was looking at me. We grinned. The markers were hidden in our sleeves just in case for an occasion like this.

Drawing things like 'Naruto is the best' and a drawing that looked far too similar to the Mona Lisa along with a few other things we were left feeling very satisfied with ourselves.

Asaji was not so nearly as amused since she took us to the training field to beat our asses. Of course not too bad since the bell test is tomorrow but after that we can definitely expect a worse punishment when we least expect it.

"Worth it."


"I'll ensure it's not."

"Have mercy Hime!"

"Yes sister, we merely jest!"



"I need to stop watching 'Keeping Up With The Daimyos Court.'"

"It's an addiction at this point."

Yeah, Sasuke is a massive sucker for courts and royalty shows. There aren't many but he loves them.

It's refreshing to see him acting like an average kid and having joys like these stupid shows. This is someone who I grew up with, not some kid who can only think about avenging his clan.

Again, I'm brought back to understanding the Original Naruto even more. If Asaji left the village I'd leave with her but obviously if she left with someone like Orochimaru I'd stop her. No matter what.

The relationship between the two is only looked upon as two orphan kids having a mutual understanding but it's so much more than that.

Each time we fight Sasuke conveys his emotions through body language. When angry he's wild in his attacks, when sad his attacks are slow and he's on the defence and when happy he has a massive smile on his face even when getting his ass beat.

I suppose that's what connected the two in the academy days and why Naruto fought Sasuke so much. It was to understand him.





"Not going to complain about the cut off?"

"No, my dear author, I'm satisfied."



AN: Hope you enjoyed.


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