Chapter 18

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The beast leapt at me in a blur of yellow as the only visible thing in my sight way it's gleaming row of teeth that had set its sights on my throat.

Raising my arm to block the attack I grab the beast with one hand in abject amazement as my sights focused clearly on the beast that had a big enough Chakra source to prickle into my senses.

It was amazing, that such a being could be so-

"Oh my Kami that's fucking adorable."

In that moment all of my fatigue left me as I gaze into the black eyes of the blond Pomeranian who's fur matched my hair. It was so darn fluffy.

"Did you try and kill me? Oh yes you did~."

"Naruto, put the dog down and let's leave."

"And leave Demon Spawn? Asaji, have some heart."


"Demon Spawn agrees with me Asaji! We must keep the dog now, it's practically family."

"You are not naming that thing Demon Spawn. Now let's get going."

We set off again but I most certainly did not put the dog down. It was mine now. And with the way Sasuke and Asaji are looking at the dog as if it had wronged them in a past life it seems as though I'm going to have to fight for it.


"What was that Demon Spawn?"

*yip* *yip*

Demon Spawn was looking at the far east and barking at it aggressively. I put on my senses further to that direction to see what the fuss was all about.

"Oh fuck..."

"Do I wanna know Naruto?"

"It's actually important Sasuke. That Chakra source from the snake is coming at us full speed."

"Oh no..."

Ok, commercial break real quick because I'm telling you this snake guy has no business trying to fight children 1/6 of his age. Like, have some class, even I'm not that bad...anyway, I think I remember something.

My knowledge is a bit fuzzy but remember vividly of Sasuke gaining this weird seal thingy. I only remember it because...well it looked really painful, that snake will get the shit beaten out of him if he ever tries that now.

Back on track then, we are running like a tailed beast is on our tails and even then we aren't running all that fast. Fatigued, Chakra Exhausted and poisoned it's not as though we can get much worse.

Well, I say that but Sasuke isn't even running, he's limping. The Shinobi he was fighting earlier really did a number on him and his head was bleeding but I think it's stopped now. I don't know, we haven't had time to check it out.

Meanwhile it's not far of a stretch to say Asaji is running on adrenaline and the will to live alone. Her Chakra signature is so small I wouldn't be able to sense her at all if she wasn't right next to me and panting heavily.

And me? Don't even get me started on every injury I think I have right now because it may never end. Bleeding from my arms, legs and stomach with multiple cuts that are likely infected and/or poisonous. My eyes keep trying to close so I think I'm about to die as well.

But on the bright side Demon Spawn is moving around a lot in my arms so I can at least tell if I can feel them. The dog is doing a good job of making sure I don't drift off.

That Snake is not letting up though. I can only assume that his sensing is either really good or really bad because he is rushing towards us and when we turn he still runs after that old signature before realising we've moved and makes a sharp turn. Just a hunch but I'd feel like this guy would make a reckless driver.

Anyway, did I mention that the Forest of Death was fucking huge? Well I'll do that now. The forest is around half the size of Konoha and let me tell you now that Konoha is bloody huge. Like, it's a whole ass seven hour journey from the Uchiha district to my apartment. For a civilian though, it would be less for a Shinobi.

Not a great thing when the academy is a four hour journey from your run down apartment. Yeah, baby me was going through it. If given the chance I would absolutely punch the Hokage for giving me such a shit apartment in a place that looked like it was infested with almost every species of rat. Including me of course but I make everything better.

"I think I see the tower!"

"Yes Naruto, we know, our vision is much better than yours."

"Oh wow, thanks for that Sasuke, see if I ever tell you anything again!"

"It would be a blessing if you...I'm tired."

"What do you-oh shit Sasuke!"

I quickly caught Sasuke before hoisting him on my back as he promptly passed out from what I assume was blood loss. Asaji looked over at us with a dazed expression, as if wondering why we weren't following her. Demon Spawn was placed onto the ground because Sasuke was heavy.

"Hey Naruto...he's gaining on us."

"I know Asaji, but it'll be fine, we just need to run a bit more."

"Running is...exhausting."

And then my sweet, amazing, life-saving, mystifying, Kami sent Asaji passed out as well right into my arms. So now I have to hoist her onto my other shoulder because Sasuke is on the other one and now I have to run with two kids with way too much muscle.

Like, this is a whole workout right now. At least Demon Spawn is pulling their weight by actually running along with me. I might actually get a Ninken yet.

Anyway the Snake is not sparing us any room for recovery because right now I can actually fear that those crashes aren't a random beast right now but-

"Found you."

Oh just kill me.


Naruto: I may be Chakra Exhausted, bleeding, poisoned, dying-

Author: but?

Naruto: there is no but, I'm dying. But I have Demon Spawn so it's all good!


An: hope you enjoyed


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