Chapter 9

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"Sensei you evil bastard! If we are your 'cute little disciples' like you say we are we wouldn't suffer like this! Slave driver! Bad man!"

"Couldn't have said it better myself Naruto. That old man is pure evil and survives purely of the suffering of children."

"He can hide his expressions behind that mask but his eyes-no, wait, eye, says it all!"

The reason why me and Sasuke are currently cursing that damned Hatake to the grace is because he gave us five D-Ranks in a single day. I'm physically incapable to to more than two even with my Uzumaki genes.

Sasuke was lying on the ground, staring at the setting sun as if it was connected to his life line and as soon as it went down so to will his will to live.

Asaji isn't doing much better, keeling over a rock but not taking her eyes of the grey haired old man.

And me? Well I'm standing up straight trying not to join my teammates on the ground. Apparently it's better to do that then lay down on the ground. I don't know why nor can I remember were I learnt that but I'll listen for the time being.

Hatake was giving us his signature eye smile.

"Ah, my cute little genin have enough energy to insult their poor old Sensei. This must mean they want to have another D-Rank."

"You awful, awful man."

"I will reap vengeance for this one day Sensei, just you wait and see."

We did end up doing another D-Rank. Tora the cat. From what Asaji is telling me this is the worst one. I really will kill that old man.

"Get back here you damned cat!"

"I'll skin you alive and feed you to the dogs!"

"Both of you be quite. I've got eyes on the wretched beast."

After running around the village for a good hour Sasuke was the one to snatch the cat. The absolute satisfaction I felt when the Daimyo's wife nearly crushed the cat was unparalleled.

"Thank you sooooo much for returning my Tora!"

"It was no issue at all Madam Shijimi, Tora was a delight to have although she was hard to find."

Ah, I see what Asaji is doing. Purposefully covering any scratches (although mine have already healed) and attempting to curry favour with Daimyo's wife.

Apparently the Daimyo has great say in who's the next Hokage and is easily influenceable through outside forces. So if his wife has something good to say about us then I guess that's good for us.

But I'm no mood to curry favour from anyone so I keep a pleasant smile while Asaji and the woman chatted in front of the Hokage and our Sensei.

I don't think they know what she is doing because Asaji normally chats up all clients but if they do they certainly don't know to what extent she wants to use the Madam for.

After an hour of pleasantry's that made the Hokage and Kakashi look like they wanted to die Asaji stopped after the Madam asked her to come to her manor someday to talk more.

That was probably her goal from the start I guess. Scary girl, moved the conversation to the exact place she wanted it.

I've thought of this before but Asaji would make one hell of a politician. She's great at lying, manipulating and knows exactly what she wants.

Whoever the hell she was before her death must've been someone with impeccable social skills. But with the way she avoids that topic like the plague I'm starting to doubt it.

Oh well, if it makes her uncomfortable I won't question it any longer. So let's move on.

That was only the first day of D-Ranks. And people wonder why I don't wanna be a Ninja. It's a work hard to live type of profession and even if you do work hard you can still die. Because, you know, we're glorified soldiers.

Anyway, money is not that big a problem at the moment since Asaji and Sasuke get a hell of a lot of inheritance each week from the Uchiha treasury.

Minato and Kushina surely don't have as much as a entire clan but I know for a fact they are richer than the average civilian. They took S-Rank missions which are a MINIMUM of at least 1,000,000 ryō.

Even if they took one I'm set for a good while so I can't understand my living conditions in that apartment. It wasn't awful but you sure as hell wouldn't wanna live there.

Plus, Kushina was the Uzumaki Clan heiress and the Uzumaki take up a good portion of shops in Konoha with stocks. Yeah, stocks, they have those here.

So I don't understand why I'm only getting 50,000 ryō a month. The economy was turbulent after the kyuubi attack but never bad enough to plummet the entire Uzumaki treasury.

In conclusion the Hokage and his council are evil assholes who stole a random orphans fortune. I have no proof but I'm sure that's what happened.

"Naruto that's a baby not the bloody chicken!"

"Oh shit! My sleep deprived ass literally had no clue! Thanks for the save Sasuke!"

"Go home and go to bed! At this rate you'll burn down the kitchen!"

I was kicked out of all babysitting missions after that. I'm not to be trusted with small children or something like that.

After the first two weeks of being kicked out of those missions I wander around the market looking for a new kimono. Mine ripped.

Walking into one of the more better stores that didn't turn me away I scanned the shop for something suitable.

I've worn a lot of red clothes with flowers, some pinks, some oranges. Maybe it's time to change my palette. Blues and greens.

Grabbing a few I thought I liked I mused at the length. They didn't cover your legs but stopped knee length and came with shorts. Convenient and practical I suppose.

The door rang again but I payed no mind to it. It was a popular store after all. Turning around to pay for the clothes I crash into someone.

"Ow, sorry about that."

"N-no, i-it was m-my f-fault."

"Oh, you! I definitely went to the academy with you...I think, my memory isn't the best."

"W-we did, I'm H-Hyuga Hinata."

"Well it was nice seeing you again Hinata-Chan! Say, does this kimono suit me? I would get Asaji's opinion but she's not here."

"I-it's n-nice."

"You seem a little to sweet to tell me if I looked hideous so I'll take that with a grain of salt."

"N-no r-really, you look g-great."

"Thanks! Oh shit the time! I've got team briefing in ten minutes! Gotta go Hinata-Chan, see ya!"


Honestly, I know very little about the side cast of the Naruto series but I'm certain Hinata was someone important. She is a clan heir after all. Maybe, maybe not.

Oh well, soon, all shall be revealed as time goes on.


"That chapter was such a drag."

"Forever convinced you should've reincarnated into Shikamaru."

"She's not smart enough to be Shikamaru, Asaji."





AN: Hope you enjoyed.


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