Chapter 22

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Asaji POV

The massacre was happening and her district was on fire.

Asaji met Naruto on a sunny academy day. There she sat, in her protagonist seat at the back of the class and an empty seat next to her. And Asaji had no choice but to sit down next to the red haired girl that was far too much of an Uzumaki to be there.

Itachi was looking at their decapitated parents blankly.

The two of them talked for a bit as Asaji found out that, no, Naruto was not actually the protagonists twin but the actual protagonist. It certainly threw a wrench in her plans but who even keeps plans?

He turned his head and Asaji could've sworn he looked shocked to see them.

Class was as boring as ever but Asaji noticed the way that Mizuki slightly berated Naruto at almost everything. Not that she let it slide, she berated him right back.

For a moment no one is talking and Itachi seems to be thinking on how to go on, as if not thinking he would've gotten this far.

"Naruto, why don't you know this equation yet? They taught you this in the pre-academy!" Mizuki said in a tone bordering mocking.

"Yeah well maybe they curriculum changed since you went to the pre-academy Mizuki-Sensei. Ya know, because your old as fuck. You can even ask smarty pants Sakura if she knows!" Naruto challenged back as the pink haired girl looked as though she wanted to cry.

Itachi was crying too, she doesn't want to remember that though.

The class burst out into laughter as Mizuki looked as though he was about to jump across the tables and strangle the blond haired girl who was looking awfully smug.

His eyes started bleeding.

"Have more respect for your elders Naruto." Mizuki said through gritted teeth.

Naruto crossed her arms and raised her chin. "I know you're elderly Mizuki-Sensei, your grey hairs are everywhere. Oh, I think I also see a wrinkle on your forehead!"

And then Asaji was in a Genjutsu with no escape, watching her family die over and over and over--

"Out!" Mizuki yelled, finally having enough and pointing towards the door.

Naruto grinned. "Make me."

Asaji understood the massacre, she wouldn't forgive it but she understood.

Mizuki walked up to Naruto's seat, picked her up by her armpits and walked out of the class. The red haired girl was cackling like a madman the entire time.

But the Tsukiyomi? She would never understand the purpose of that. If Itachi wanted hate his words were enough.

Asaji watched as Sasuke tried his best to keep a straight face but failed as Kiba doubled over which broke the trance the class was in and caused them to roar with laughter. Asaji laughed to as the situation she was in caught up to her and hysteria took over.

She did not hate Itachi but she may never forgive him.


The academy days blurred together as her memories contained more pranks than actual learning. Naruto would drag her (and by association, Sasuke) all around Konoha to start fights will random people so she could prank them.

Naruto's latest victim was a middle aged man with bright green hair and a horrifying moustache. Asaji pitied the man, he must not have a lot of good  friends if they haven't mentioned getting rid of that monstrosity.

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