Chapter 13

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Oh my Kami you will not believe what just happened! So I was walking down the street with Asaji, as one does on a free day, when I found it.

A boy, blond hair, blue eyes and whisker marks on his cheeks. And I'm like, what the fuck?

He was sitting at this ramen stall, Ichiraku. So yeah, I walked up to the kid who looked around 7 or something. I don't know, proper diets and all that.

I sat down next to him as Asaji, like the Hime she is, followed soon after with perfect posture. I'm not jealous but I would commit murder for posture like that.

The kid looks at us with wide eyes before looking at his bowl with too much intensity. Oh well, not much we can do about that just yet.

"Two Shio ramens please!"

"Coming right up."

I looked over to Asaji as she gave me a nod. Ok, that nod can mean anything but I'll assume it means to talk to the kid.

"Soooo, you come here often?"

"Huh, me?!"

"Well, yeah you. I know the Hime doesn't come often since she likes home cooked meals so you."

"Yeah! Ichiraku ramen is the best!"

"Is it now? Well how about this. I challenge you to an eating competition, loser has to win."

"You're on Nii-Chan!"

And holy shit if the kid didn't absolutely whoop my ass in that completion. Ok, it was 17-24 so 7 off but still, I'm kinda ashamed a kid managed to out eat me.

I look at Asaji as she finished her bowl of Shio ramen and with a sigh, moved to pay off my dept. Sorry Asaji...

So anyway, back to the kid. I'm just trying to befriend him a little because I'm really confused. Information is the best at this point in time because I have no clue what's going on.

"Hey kid. How old are you?"

"Hm? Oh, I'm eleven dattebayo!"

...First off, dattebayo? Second off, eleven year olds are meant to be taller. But I suppose boys are slower in terms of growing. That being said I'm sure Sasuke was taller at this age.

"And what's your name?"

"Uzumaki Naruto, dattebayo! What's yours Nii-Chan?"

"Oh, I'm, uh..."

"She's Yushin and I'm Nozomi."

Nice save Asaji-I mean Nozomi!

"Nice to meet you Nii-Chan's! Wait, are you Ninja?"

"What makes you think that kid?"

"Um, I don't know. I just feel like you are."

We are in all civilian clothing and our fancy Ninja headbands are no where in sight, damn, the Original is good.

"Nah kid, we just know a bit of self defence but we're no Ninja."


"...But I suppose I just so happen to have a scroll that contains a super cool Jutsu."


"Yep, and it's all yours. Consider it a gift."

"Nii-Chan...thank you."

"Aw, don't get sappy on me kid. Just promise not to mention us to anyone. Me and Nozomi-Chan like to keep a low profile."

"Ok, I promise I won't tell anyone about you! Not even Jiji!"

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