Chapter 10

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The absolute stench of alcohol filled the Hokage tower. It always did knowing damn well of the Hokage's hidden alcohol stash hidden in his desk in the third draw but it is a especially strong today.

That's because Asaji demanded a C-Rank mission for some reason. I'm assuming we should be getting one in cannon if she's requesting it since she seems content with building her connections with D-Ranks.

I honest to Kami can't stand the stench of alcohol though. It reminds me of death, specifically mine.

In case everyone forgot about my stupid death I'll remind you. I got drunk and hit my head. Don't drink to much if you are just starting, or don't drink too much in general is the lesson here.

Asaji says I might have a bit of trauma from alcohol but she's probably exaggerating...maybe. Ok, enough about that then, the mission.

The clients name is, um, I forgot. I'm not good with names don't judge me! Asaji and Sasuke are there to do that so if you want to know boring little details like that go ask them!

Well, I suppose you can't since you're looking at this through a screen so fair enough that you would want me to inform you. To bad I'm not since I'm kinda stupid.

And anyway, why would I remember a clients name when they called me short, Sasuke emo (not really but close enough) and Asaji arrogant? Like, how fucking dare you say that about Asaji.

She's not arrogant. She's one of the more humble people I know and trust me, I know plenty humble people. Just because she looks as though she always thinks she's better then everyone doesn't mean she's actually thinking it!

But the mission did end up being accepted so we had to protect the asshole. To bad, I would be content leaving him to whatever issues he has.

"Got your things Naruto?"

"You mean my clothes, kunai, shuriken, toothbrush, toothpaste, Chakra Theory Vol 15, food-."

"Ok, moving on. Sasuke, you got your things?"

"Yes Sensei."

"Alright then, let's get moving."

"You didn't even ask Asaji Sensei!"

"I have more faith in her then you two."


But fair enough is suppose. Though I wonder were the lack of faith for Sasuke came from...there's definitely a story behind that, I just know it.

Moving on then. So me and Sasuke were talking shit about Kakashi's hair, as is the daily ritual of team 7, when these rude missing-nin decide to attack us.

Kakashi just let them overpower him. At the time I could vaguely remember sensing his Chakra moving from one place to another so I don't think I panicked too bad.

I protected the client while Asaji and Sasuke kicked both of the rude Ninja to a safe distance. Asaji got out her whip (AN: she was scary enough without any weapon and you're telling me she has a whip?!) and beat the hell out of the rude Ninjas.

And yes Asaji owns a whip you stupid author! She's just awesome like that unlike you who can't even-(AN: you better shut up before I end this chapter early)...yes ma'am.

So the two rude Ninja were near death but one of them got up even after that one hell of a whipping! I kicked them in the stomach to stop him from reaching the client with ease since his injury's were pretty bad.

That being said I also got myself poisoned. Look, when your immune to almost every poison, have never gotten sick and can survive the winter in a run down apartment that can't retain heat you tend to be a little risky.

I was fine after a bit of wheezing to so it's all good. Asaji didn't take chances though and used the very little healing jutsu she knew on me.

Jokes on her because I was in-fact fine. Though I did get a few more glances before I was let off the hook.

"So my cute little genin. The nice men from before have just told me something very interesting. Would you like to know what it is?"

"They were hired by someone power from, by deduction it would be Gatō, the owner of Gatō industry. Lately there has been unrest in the Land Of Waves and many sources lead that Gatō is the cause. However, he is smart man so he would hire better men then this, especially if he knew Tazuna-San hired Shinobi of his own. For whatever purpose though, I'm unsure. Care to explain, Tazuna-San?"

Holy shit. Asaji, I know damn well you can remember a lot of the series but seeing as you actually have spies in the Land Of Waves you may have really just deduced that. Again, scary girl.

Kakashi looked as though he kinda agreed with my thought process but also impressed. Which, yeah, Asaji is very impressive, you should respect her!

The client, who Asaji has named as Tasuma (AN: that's not right at all!) I don't really care my dear author, so anyway, the dude looked terrified.

"I really didn't mean to device you! It's just- blah blah, blah blah."

Oh look at that, a butterfly. I haven't saw one since my reincarnation, I didn't even notice that such a creature was missing before.

Which reminds me of this one time in my past life where my parents bought me one of those habitats for a butterfly and I was really exited about it so I told everyone. And then one of my cousins let out my caterpillar before it could go into its cocoon.

Naturally, said cousin was beat into the ground by seven year old me. He later became one of my best friends. Good times.

I wonder if he grieved my death or laughed about how stupid it was before crying himself to sleep. He was a loser like that.

"-so will you help me?"

...What did he just say?

Luckily, Asaji was listening to him and could respond on my behalf. Thank you, my angel, I'll never forgot today! Probably.

"We understand your situation Tazuna-San but consider us to. We have a duty to our village and that is to inform them of any missions we cannot handle. This mission can only continue if our leading Jonin and three genin agree to continue. So, because of this I ask my teammates and Sense, do you want to continue?"

"Ma, whatever my cute little students decide on I'll agree."

"Me too. I do wanna go home though."

"Whatever sister wants I suppose I'll agree."

"Then it is decided. We will continue this mission but the pay will be more. The contract will be discussed when we arrive at the Land Of Water."

"O-of course!"

Asaji smiled, all teeth.

"Then lead the way, Tazuna-San."

I looked at Sasuke who looked at me. In a telepathic bond that only Yamanaka have we agree on one thing. If Asaji ever smiles like that to us, run.


"That was fun. Even if I didn't fight anyone."

"Yeah, you just got poisoned like a loser."

"Hey! I got poisoned like a badass, I'll have you know!"

"...No way you just tried making being poisoned sound cool."

"...Shut up."



AN: hope you enjoyed.


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