Chapter 4

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Apparently, you can't say how it's alright to beat up kids if they annoy you. Stupid author.

So anyway let's move on, what should I talk about now? There are a few things I could go on about.

Um, oh! Iruka and Mizuki! Did you know Mizuki has a fiancé called Tsubaki? I sure as hell didn't.

You know, small things like this kinda make this situation all the more real. Little things that were hardly mentioned in the series become key factors in day to day life.

For example, Tsubaki and Iruka can be seen chatting to Mizuki during lunch almost everyday. Small things like that kinda wain on you over time. It all seems so...normal.

I suppose in this way I can understand the Original more. Mizuki does seem like a genuinely good dude who's fiancé doesn't really him but doesn't say anything mean towards the kid.

At the end of the day I guess my stupid kid mind kinda understands this and wants to talk to Mizuki and trust him. But there ain't no way I'm cozying up to traitor who's gonna try and kill me.

He's literally a psychopath. Or sociopath. I'm not to sure, it's not like I have google or a local Yamanaka to explain these things.

Speaking of Yamanaka, Ino and Sakura have already broken up their friendship. It was so stupid. I actually can't imagine losing your best friend over a boy who has no interest in you.

But I understand some people think differently from so I'll not judge them. Much.


"Yeah, Asaji?"

"I don't like your name.



"Me neither to be fair."

"Let's change it. Do you remember the name from your past life yet?"

"Nah, let's make a new one. How does Ketsueki sound?"

"Don't you dare try and name yourself 'blood' of all things. Shujinkō makes more sense."

"'Protagonist'? You've got to be kidding me. Chō kūruna sekai no hakaimono, final suggestion."

"There's no way in hell anyone is going to call you 'super cool destroyer of worlds'."

"Ha! You said, super cool destroyer of worlds, with a serious face!"



"Hush, you heard nothing...Senohikui-ko."

"I'm not short or a child!"

"Sure you aren't Senohikui-ko."

"I hate you."

"Feelings mutual I suppose."



If by the end recess the teachers had to physically restrain us from killing each other then it wouldn't be the first nor last time.

Ok, nothing else really happens for another two years unless you want me to go into detail about how Sakura and Ino teamed up to stalk Sasuke home. If I was him, personally, I wouldn't let that slide.

In their were understandably worried. He was wearing bright pink. To this day he doesn't know it was me who got Asaji to dye his clothes pink.

Oh, did you think I didn't prank anyone because I'm super mature (AN: The fuck, who's lying to you saying you're mature? I know it wasn't me) and awesome? And shut it you stupid author! Don't think I don't see those brackets because I do!

Ok, back to what I was saying before I was so rudely attacked. I do in fact prank people but I do it through Asaji who's stealth is second to none...except maybe the Orginal.

Seriously, how that kid spray painted the entire Hokage monument without detection and managed to escape capture against Chunins will forever be a mystery to me.

Back to the point of having Asaji do the whole pranking thing while I have the ideas. It's because my stealth is so bad even Konohamaru is better than me.

I will actually commit murder to have even a degree of the stealth the Original somehow possessed when it came to pranks. This is my biggest short coming as a Kunoichi.

Honestly, I'm amazed at the fact I can make an entire conversation go off route when I originally intend to talk about the 'Stalking Incident'. Yeah, it has a name.

It really is amazing though. I don't have a single conversation in mind when I recall these events yet it comes back to me as I blab on.

Now what else to discuss before I move onto graduating...oh yeah! Me and Ino somehow became "friends".

It basically started like this. So we were sitting in Kunoichi class on the same table since four people can sit on one and Asaji and Sakura were doing...something.

Sakura and Ino still sit with each other for some reason. Don't ask me how since they fight like cats and dogs. But that's not the point.

"What's that flower called?"

"That's a Tiger Lilly, Naruto, the teacher just went over this."

"I wasn't listening. Maybe if she told me the flower was this pretty I would've. You tell me about it. You own a flower shop, right? You must be super knowledgeable about flowers."

"Hmm, you should listen next time...*sigh* but if you're so curious I'll tell you. Tiger Lilly have great medical uses such as-blah blah- blah blah- blah."

"Interesting." 'I didn't listen to a word she just said.'

"I know right?! And Sakura says it's not! Ahh, who care what she thinks she-blah blah."

"Really?" 'Asaji, please, I beg you, come back.'

Eventually, I was saved by the bell. Literally. Asaji noticed what was happening and smirked at me before leaving. Absolute traitor! Let's see if I help her when Sasuke has another strop!

So yeah, graduation-

Chapter break

"I've never hated someone more than I hate you my dear author."

"Thank you, I've also never been so annoyed by one of my characters before. You blab for like 100 words on irrelevant topic and-"

"I'm insulted, I blab for at least 300 words on a single topic."

"Kami give me strength."

Chapter end

AN: Graduation will actually come next chapter...maybe. Who knows? Damn, you know it's bad when even the author can't predict the character.


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