Chapter 15

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Everyone and there grandma decided today was a great day to piss me off. Now you may be wondering, 'oh, what happened?' Well I'll tell you what happened.

So I wake up and notice a note on the bathroom door saying the waters cold. Ok, fine, nothing a little fire Jutsu couldn't fix. But, here's the thing, I don't know any fire jutsu. So I have a cold shower but it's all good because I hardly ever get sick.

But today of all days my immune system decided to have a break and what do you know? I get a cold. A cold shower that lead to me being deathly ill. And that's not even the worst of it.

Going into the kitchen to get some food I try and make myself a simple miso soup. Easy, right? I've made this loads of times so there was no way to mess it up. Guess what? I burnt half the kitchen down.

And here's the thing! The miso soup was pre-made so I didn't even need to heat it but somehow I knock on the stove by accident and in the five seconds it was on the kitchen became flammable to the point of no return.

And it gets worse.

Now in the event of no breakfast I'll go to one of the restaurants near the Uchiha district. So tell me why out of the 55 restaurants I went to not a single one was open?!

Turns out every business moves to the centre grounds of Konoha on Chunin exam opening day since loads of Genin and Jonin are there from different villages with loads of money. Happens on the third test as well.

Seriously, this was ridiculous. Isn't my luck meant to be better than this? I demand plot armour!

But like I said before it's the Chunin exam opening day so I run towards the entrance hall and nearly miss the first section. Asaji may actually kill me if I miss it.

So I walk to Sasuke and Asaji, looking like I fought a Kage, and have to answer questions like: "where were you?" "Do you know how long we've waited?" And "Do we need to hide a body?" All normal questions to ask, in my humble opinion.

Apparently, no one else thinks so since any team near us kept a twenty foot distance from us which to be fair, I don't mind.

So I enter the exam and do you know what I find? A. Mother. Fucking. Test. That's honestly not fair, how is anyone meant to pass that without revising? To be fair, even if I did revise the chances of me passing the test are little to none.

But, even if I'm not the most studious the questions on this test are way too hard. Here's one of the questions.

Question 3:
If a group of Jonin leave Outpost H at sunrise. How long will it take to make it to Outpost C assuming they have no breaks and Outpost C is 10 miles away. (8 marks).

Like, I don't know? Tell me when sunrise is. Tell me how fast the Jonin are going. This test is honestly bullshit.

So like any self-respecting student who has been tasked with difficult questions before I do the most logical thing. Put my head on the desk and cry for the rest of the exam.

Ok, so I could cheat but I'm gonna be honest with myself. If the Original could pass to make it the Forest Of Death then the test isn't about brains.

Asaji would handle the cheating part for me if I truly needed to. Or, at the very least, give me the heads up something like this was gonna happen.

Well, nothing happened for the duration of the test besides the odd Genin turning towards me as if I were insane before looking back to their test. I mean, yeah, I did just throw a paper airplane at them but the invigilator didn't say anything so I assume it's all good.

Then the test came to an end and the invigilator (who's name I have forgotten and now shall be dubbed as Cool Scar) gave us an option. Leave now and have the choice to become Genin again later or stay for the tenth question. If you fail apparently you stay a Genin forever.

And you know what? Considering the Orginal became a Genin Kage I suppose that's not too bad. Besides, I assume you do more paperwork as a Chunin considering you have more responsibility.

Loads of people stood up to chicken out last minute. Honestly, I don't blame them, I guess the prospect of forever for being the lowest rank that you could be as a Shinobi does sound pretty bad to anyone else but me.

"Wait, does being a Chunin mean you get out of D-Ranks?"

"Kid, did you not know?"

"...Ok, fuck everything I've been doing till now, I'm becoming a Chunin. I'll pass this bloody question or my name isn't Uzumaki Naruto!"

Very few people had left but upon hearing the dream life of no D-Ranks they rushed back to their seats like their life depended on it.

"Move outta the way and give me the question!"

"I never want to look at a D-Rank again!"

"Fuck Sensei and her telling me I'll never pass. Gimme that question!"

Wow, what a revolution I've started. And that stare Asaji's giving me is oddly terrifying. It's not a bad stare or nothing but when one has a Sharingan you tend to tread lightly when they look as though it's going to evolve.

Cool Scar looked at us slowly. Whether he was impressed by our bravery, I thought we were the biggest idiots to ever exist is up to the debate.

"You all...pass."

"Hell yeah!"

"Wait, what?"

"Not that I'm complaining but...where's the question."

"Quiet! So, there was no final question. It all depended on your bravery to follow through a mission even if the consequences are dire and could effect your life. Since you all pass."

Huh, this feels oddly familiar. I don't temper this bit of the Chunin exams (or much of the Chunin exams at all) but for some reason it feels just right but a bit off. I don't know how to say it.

Oh well, I passed! Ain't you proud of me you stupid author! (AN: Proud of the fact I haven't thrown you down a cliff...yet). Haha...good joke.


Banners splayed through the room as the thick mist of a smoke bomb dissipated. A woman with dark purple hair tied into a bun posed dramatically in middle of the chaos.

"The beautiful, wonderful, amazing, Mitarashi Anko has arrived- hey what the fuck is this Ibiki! There's still two thirds of the original batch! You've lost your touch."

Sweet mother of Kami this amazing.


"I sense that I've made a mistake of some kind."

"Nah, I think you've made the best decision of your life."

"No, I've definitely pissed off some entity and now they want revenge."

"Don't worry about it."

"You saying that makes me worried."


AN: Hope you enjoyed


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