Chapter 14

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Ok, so I know you all expect for me to follow up the previous chapter or something but the truth is we didn't know the truth until a while later.

We were basically just training and having a social life unlike some people...I'm talking about you my dear author! (AN: yeah I got that one). Good that you know, anyway, that kitsune came to visit again.

And you know, like any normal person, I ask what she had to know on the truth of this world. Instead, tell me why her eyes widened as she looked over her shoulder before running like the Shinagami was on her tail?

Oh yeah, I thought I should let you all know according to Act 6 of the one million and two page essay of the fourth breaking manual I should inform you that I'm an unreliable narrator.

Like, there is no way I'm this calm in these actual situations. Later, yes I am, but now when I'm weak and helpless? Not as much.

So when I was looking at an A-Rank missing nin I didn't go wow, cool, and went about my day. Don't get me wrong, I'm not afraid of death but telling everyone I nearly fell flat on my face three times in that battle isn't exactly what I want.

Yeah, when I say Asaji is graceful as fuck compared to me I actually mean it. I'm not normally elegant and have broken more than one door off their hinges.

In fact, let's start there, me taking a door off its hinges.

"Oh for the love of-"

"Think before you speak Naruto."


I place the door on the wall as I leave the Uchiha compound with Asaji and Sasuke. The Kitsune left a little while ago or she would've joined us.

"Soooo, what do you guys think Sensei wants?"

"To torture us to death."

"As joyful as ever Sasuke. But you're probably right on that one. How many D-Ranks has he given us?"

"145 and a half."

"Wait, how the hell did we get a half?"

"The river incident."


The river incident was basically were we got a D-Rank to get some fish from a river but it turned out that the river was haunted by a Hyōsube.

A Hyōsube is basically this weird hairy child puppet that hates humans and horses. I don't really know the exact details, ask Asaji or the Kitsune if you want to know, but apparently they helped build the local shrine and then were discarded in the river.

They aren't too strong physically but have apparently been bringing disease to the village for years now. So the whole D-Rank thing was actually at least a C-Rank or B-Rank.

It was a D-Rank for a bit but then evolved so yeah, half a D-Rank. By that same logic we've done half a C-Rank as well.

Sensei popped into existence a little while into our walk with his stupid eye smile.

"Maa, how are my cute little students?"

"Dead inside."

"Contemplating murder."


"That's wonderful! Now, who wants to be a Chunin?"

"If it means getting rid of you then me."

So yeah, we got signed up to the Chunin exams. We had to sign this little sheet consenting to the fact we knew the responsibility's of being a Chunin and a pop quiz on what the rank implies.

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