Chapter 5

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Finally! I thought I was never going to see the light of day again!

So graduation, it was a shit show to say the least. Not very fun.

Me and Asaji were sitting together at the back of the classroom near the window seat. Because I'm the protagonist so obviously I'm going to sit there.

Sasuke sat at the other end of the table looking as if someone killed his clan-oh, too soon? Sorry.

I was trying to act somewhat normal because Asaji said that if I don't become a ninja she'll drop kick me down a flight of stairs.

Still haven't got the clone Jutsu down but it's not like everything comes down to a single Jutsu. If I do moderately well on the paper exam and pass at least one match then I'll pass the exam. Even if I got all the Jutsu wrong that's enough.

I'm just kinda worried about Mizuki. I know he doesn't like me but even he can't go out of his way to fail me. People actually check these exams diligently.

There's like a entire department dedicated to this and which Sensei's people who pass should go to.

So in reality the Rookie 9 weren't the only ones in their generation to pass the exams it's just that the others were fodder or went into different departments. Not everyone want to fight on the front lines I suppose.

On to the paper exam. There were three papers total. One on calligraphy which was a question on writing a report. It goes like this:

Q1. A group of three chunin and one Jonin are on a mission to the Land Of Grass. On the mission many events happen. Include the following incidents in your essay:

•A group of eight bandits (ambush)

•Two injures to two chunins

•Incompletion of sending supplies to the base

•Mission failure

More details are provided on the sheet given to you at the start of the exam. (20 Marks)

Honestly, hated that exam. Asaji had me do some practice question before the exam and I got like, five marks. Which is fine since I did better on the mathematic and Jutsu questions which is enough to pass.

In the spare me and some kid from another class were put against each other.

"You're going down!"

"Bold words. I like it. Hope you win!"

"Don't mock me!"

"I would never! Genuinely hope you kick my ass!"

For some reason the kid didn't believe my heart felt sincerity. Shame, I really was routing for them but the death glare I got from Asaji stopped me from throwing the match.

I beat the kid by kicking them in the back and pushing them out of the ring. Whole match lasted five seconds, max.

Yeah, I didn't bother to drag it out and actually fight the child since it was a drag...Shikamaru you've infected me.

Onto the Jutsu part of the exam. Substitution Jutsu and Henge were easy enough I suppose. Both required Chakra, which I had more than enough of, and little control.

I absolutely failed that clone Jutsu though. No way I passed that...but I kinda did at the same time.

Asaji had this brainstorm last minute and had me studying all week on the Water Clone since the Shadow Clone Jutsu was way out of reach for some academy student.

If I have another chance then I'll do my best to actually live.Where stories live. Discover now