Chapter 1 : Flawless my Dear

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Today is a most important day indeed, for today is the day London's marriage-minded misses shall be presented to her Majesty the Queen.

For some, it is an excitingly wonderful day, and for others, deathly terrifying; for even a sight of disapproval, a glimpse of displeasure, and a young lady's social life could plummet to unthinkable depths.

—Lady Feicuiton Societt Papers—
—26 April 1813—

"Oh mother! must I wear these fashions the entire day??" Brin whined out, already tugging at the black tuxedo coat he was forced to wear for the occasion.

Pollyanna stuck her tongue out at him, "Stop complaining Sprig! at least you don't have to wear this stuffy dress!"

Their father—Viscount Boonchuy—crossed his arms at his two youngest children, "Sprig! Polly! do contain yourselves children! today is an important day for your dearest sister, you must be on your best behavior!"

Brin crossed his arms, "Well, I do not see my dearest sister," he looked over to his younger sibling, a smirk on his face, "which who is, more dearer than you, sister."

Pollyanna swiftly punched Brin in the gut, forcing the boy to hunch over in pain as their father lectured his youngest daughter, "Pollyanna Petunia Boonchuy!!" he looked to the couch decorating the entrance this argument took place in, giving the old man sitting on said couch a pleading look, "Father, please help me."

Hopediah let out a grunt before stomping his cane on the ground, "Children! quiet this instant!" the two did as he said, looking at their grandfather with wide eyes, Lord Boonchuy sighed, pouting his lips as he complained, "Now why on earth do you fail to react that way when I discipline you?"

Pollyanna looked up to her father, raising an eyebrow and letting her nostrils flair a bit as she asked, "...Do you really wish to know?"

Before Viscount Boonchuy could react, the sound of heels clacking on the staircase caught everyone's attention—including the maids and butlers—once they looked up, they saw Viscountess Boonchuy, and her eldest daughter by her side, miss Anne Boonchuy.

The young lady's dress had short, round sleeves, the bust barely low enough to show her securely strapped breasts, the ribbon separating the skirt of her gown tightly wrapped under her bosom, the skirt falling down with no bounce at the top, showing off her slim figure. There was gold designing all along her dress, although her long gloves had none. Her hair was up in a delicate yet intricate low bun, with braids along the top, the smallest hints of her natural curls showing as they framed her soft, beautiful tan face. Finally, diamond earrings and matching necklace finishing her outfit, with pearl accessories dazzling her complicated—yet gorgeous—hair.

The family couldn't hide their smiles even if they wished to as the women came down the stairs, of course, they were always happy to see their mother—especially Lord Boonchuy, he could see his wife in the most hideous dress with her hair like a rats-nest, yet she would still look beautiful in his eyes—but Anne, looked absolutely stunning.

Once they had gotten to the bottom of the stairs, Anne grinned brightly at her family, "Well? we must make haste! we do not wish to make her majesty upset!!"

Anne looked out the window of their carriage as it was pulled by horses in front of the palace, the brunette's eyes were practically sparkling as she gazed upon the castle filling up with thousands of gorgeous young ladies, "Mama!" Anne called out, tapping for her mother without looking away from the clear pane or glass, "look at all the young women! they're all so beautiful, don't you think?"

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