Chapter 4 : Sweet Raspberry Tarts

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Last week Lady Anne Boonchuy had an astounding 78 callers! one of those callers being his grace, the Marquess Alexander Waybright.

He had brought the young Miss a cat—a small kitten Lady Anne has named 'Domino'—and based off of the young Lady's reaction, an attachment between Anne and Alexander may be forming.

—Lady Feicuiton Societt Papers—
—11 May 1813—

Anne was shaking with anticipation, excitingly petting her new kitten Domino on her lap, for this evening, the Marquess and Marchioness were joining them for dinner, and Anne was ecstatic.

She felt butterflies in her stomach as she imagined herself sitting next to Sasha, playing the piano for the blonde, accidentally spilling something on her gloves and having to take off her long glove in front of Sasha; it was strange having thoughts like this, but she assumed it was just from her growing feelings for Alexander.

Anne continued to uncontrollably shake from the anticipation, an excited grin on her face the entire time until her brother opened her room door, making her more excited for the news she assumed he had, "Sister!!" he called out, "their graces are here~!" Anne stood up, sitting her cat on the ground as she said, "How wonderful!"

As she walked up to her brother, Brin put his hands on his hips, asking with a raised eyebrow, "So, are you prepared to be around his grace? perhaps he'll kiss your hand~" he teased as he made 'smoochy' noises, Anne just rolled her eyes, lightly patting the ginger boy's head with a smirk, "Oh do shush."

Anne and Brin swiftly made their way down the stairs, sharing a small meaningless conversation until they saw the Swansea children, or more like, until Anne saw Sasha.

She was wearing a pale green gown, the collar was square-like and ruffled around the edges, the front of her torso covered in smaller ruffles until it fluffed out to a long elegant skirt, looking perfect along with her longish sleeves that went down to her elbows. Her hair was french braided back into a loose low bun, small pieces of hair taken out to frame her face, and she was holding a small closed parasol in her white-gloved hands.

Anne felt her face go hot, she wanted to let out a shaken sigh but held it in, curtsying respectfully to the two, "Your graces," she said with a smile.

Sasha noticed the brunette's excessive staring—somehow the other two didn't notice, men in the ton' were just so oblivious—a smirk on her lips as she greeted back with a nod, "Miss Boonchuy."

When Anne stood back up, his grace Alexander handed her another bouquet of assorted flowers; which included heliotropes, petunias, white roses, white hibiscuses, and moonflowers. "For you, m'lady." the young marquess gifted.

Anne accepted the flowers graciously, "Oh, thank you so very much, your grace, they're beautiful." she smelled them with a smile, closing her eyes as she did—but even as her eyes were closed, the only thing she could imagine was how beautiful Sasha looked in that dress.

She opened her eyes again with a happy sigh and a happier smile, she felt so much joy in that moment, it had to be from Alexander, right?

As the servants brought the trays of food onto the table for Anne, her family—who consisted of her mother, father, grandfather, and little siblings Brin and Pollyanna; or as their family nicknamed them, Sprig and Polly—and the royals, her mother turned to the marquess, "Oh! your grace, when you were little, your favorite dessert was raspberry tarts, is it still?"

Alexander chuckled a bit, "Oh no, my favorite dessert now is a shoofly pie, I had it while I was on my travels to Germany, it was quite lovely." the viscountess looked disappointed, she gave him a bit of a sad smile, "Well, that is a shame, I had the cook make some raspberry tarts for the evening, I apologize your grace."

Alexander was about to respond but Sasha did instead with a big grin, "Oh do not apologize Mrs. Boonchuy, I am quite fond of raspberry tarts, so you chose correctly for one of us!" Anne's mother's smile change from a—poorly hidden—sad one, to an overjoyed one, "Splendid!!"

As everyone at the table continued to talk about meaningless things—like their favorite desserts or the next upcoming social event—Anne couldn't stop staring at the marchioness.

She was just so incredibly beautiful, how could she not? her long brown lashes contrasting her long beautiful blonde hair, her different colored eyes making her more unique than she already was, her beauty mark next to her left eye and on top of her strong cheekbone, the pleasant smile she had on her lips as one of Anne's family members spoke, the playful annoyance she had in her eyes as her brother spoke, the confidence she had when she spoke, it was addicting, and all Anne wanted more than anything was to hug her and never let go, but she didn't know why.

Perhaps it was because they were friends? even though Anne had never been this interested in one of her friends before, but she was a marchioness, maybe her title was drawing Anne in? although she never felt this sort of way, even in front of her majesty the Queen!

Or possibly, it was because she was Alexander's sister? oh yes, that was definitely it, why else would she be so obsessed with Sasha? she was in love with her brother obviously, that had to be the answer.

"Anne?" Sasha asked, knocking the brunette out of her trance, "what's your favorite dessert?" she asked—presumably for the second time—with a warm, yet smug smile on her face, like she had caught Anne. The Diamond smiled back, holding her hands on her lap under the table as she anxiously fidgeted with her silk gloves—why was she so anxious? she was just talking to the blonde. "Oh! I think I must say a sweet raspberry tart, it is quite delicious."

Sasha simply smirked, looking Anne up and down for a moment with perfect posture, showing off her taller height difference with Anne to make the brunette feel small; which for some strange reason, Anne enjoyed. "Excellent choice, Miss Boonchuy. I'm excited to learn more about you." Sasha complimented with a subtle wink before taking a sip of her glass, Anne watched her drink it with an intense interest.

January, 31st, 2023.

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