Chapter 22 : In The Shadows

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Well, no matter the cause, this Author hopes our Diamond feels better.

Well, let's stop talking about our young lady's personal business—I know, it is simply shocking that this is coming from my quill, but I'm still a respectful woman! (sort of)—and talk about the marquess's, Alexander Waybright.

We all know about the devastatingly tragic proposal he gave to our Diamond of the season, but has he been seen courting another girl since said proposal? well, this author definitely hasn't heard any news of such things!

Perhaps he'll try to win the young Miss back?

—Lady Feicuiton Societt Papers—
—8 September 1813—

Sasha huffed as she sat at her piano, her instructor standing above her looking very disappointed indeed.

The marchioness looked at the instrument with disdain, she hated the damned thing, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't play a song correctly! she'd always go too slow, or press the key right next to the one she was actually supposed to play, or she'd play the keys choppily and not smoothly, and no matter how much she tried, she couldn't get the notes to blend into each other like they were supposed to.

The entire room the piano rested in was bloody annoying to the blonde, all because of the stupidly difficult instrument.

However, she had to perfect at least one song today; her recital was tomorrow night, and the song she was going to play—which was, of course, Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven—was extremely difficult, even if her piano instructor thought otherwise.

"Alright, let's..." The instructor longed out as they thought, almost sounding like a hiss, "go through the entire song from the beginning, and then we shall break."

Sasha sourly agreed.

After a completely and utterly disastrous attempt at the complete version of Moonlight Sonata, Sasha was allowed to take her deserved—well, not exactly deserved, but wanted—break.

She walked into her tea room, immediately reaching for the servant bell to request some raspberry tarts, but before she did so, she heard a voice call out to her. "Oh, hello sister!"

Sasha immediately scowled at the voice, it was Alexander, of course it was, but when she turned around, he wasn't alone.

With him was her eldest brother, George, and his wife, the relatively new, duchess of Swansea, Amelia. Sasha smiled brightly, immediately running up to the duke with open arms, "George!" she called out happily, hugging him close, it had been such a long time since she's seen him, being a duke was very demanding after all.

"Sasha!" He chuckled out, hugging his sister back. Once the two let go, Sasha turned to Amelia and gave her a hug as well; her mother didn't seem to like Amelia: yes, she was not quite up to the beauty standard, but that didn't even put a dent in her, since her personality convinced Sasha she was an angel in disguise.

"Hello, little sister!" Amelia giggled out, Sasha laughing a bit with her, she always wished for an older sister, and now she had one.

"You seem like you're in a chipper mood, Sash," Alexander commented, "did pianoforte practice go well?" Sasha glared at him for a moment before sighing, it wasn't time to be rude, (no matter how much she wished to), it was the perfect time to get Alexander to propose again. "Never mind that," she spoke, taking a seat next to Alexander, "you still love Miss Anne, correct?"

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