Chapter 12 : Strange Powder Boxes

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Why hello, my dears.

I must ask, were you at the Baroness Berrinton's ball yesterday? because some things happened that made me gasp!

Firstly, (as I guessed) there were indeed peacocks there! which was an exciting time indeed for everyone; although after one of the peacocks 'attacked' Lord Bershini by squawking at him—which may I say, is sad how weak these 'men' are becoming—no one wanted to see the beautiful birds and stayed far away from the back garden.

Secondly, the fight that happened between his grace, Alexander, and his highness, Marcius.

As everyone knows, the two were both courting the young Lady Anne, but no one expected the men to get in an argument about her!

And due to what they said during the early moments of their argument—that turned physical mere moments later—Alexander was indeed planning on Proposing that night!

Although, of course men would rather fight than propose to the one they love.

Men are so Idiotic, are they not?

—Lady Feicuiton Societt Papers—
—8 August 1813—

"Ugh..." Anne groaned as she laid on the couch, her family sitting around her as her brother played on the piano.

"Anne, dearest-" Her mother began, but she only got cut off by another groan from the young miss. Brin continued to play as he glanced back at his older sister, asking with an eyebrow raised, "Is this because of what Lady Feicuiton wrote today-" but he just got caught off by a groan from the Thai girl as well.

Finally, Pollyanna had enough: she stomped her foot loudly as she stood up, fisting up her hands by her sides as she yelled, "Stop cutting us off!! it is very improper! aren't you supposed to be a 'perfect Diamond'?!"

And although Anne was perfect her whole life—always staying quiet unless told otherwise, standing up straight, learning how to ride a horse, learning the piano, and Thai, and how to sing and dance perfectly, with no complaints the entire time—she couldn't help but prove that bratty sister of hers wrong.

Anne stomped up just like her terribly cheeky younger sister, scrunching up her nose as she yelled back, "Let me be upset for once! two men fought each other about me in front of me! I am damn frustrated!!"

The viscount Boonchuy gasped, "Anne! watch your language." he disciplined, but Anne just groaned again, balling up her green dress before tossing down the small bit of fabric she grabbed, crossing her arms as she quickly sped off, "I am going to my room, do not bother me."

Except, when she got to the exit of the room, one of their butler's stopped her by walking into the room at the same time. He looked a little surprised at the girl he just ran into, but he just gently dropped his head down as he apologized, "My apologies Miss Anne, but his grace Alexander is here, to see you."

Anne huffed, slapping her hands on her dress as she threw her hands in the air, "Oh, why isn't that just perfect!" she let her hands fall back down as she said, "Well, take me to him! I'd like to hear his simple-minded excuse."

And so, Anne was taken to his grace Alexander, ready to hear his half-arsed excuse.

"My lady!" Alexander called out the moment he saw her—the two were taken to a more private room, and this only being allowed since Alexander was a marquess; and no one in their own home would tattle about Anne being alone with a man—running up to her with a relieved smile, "Please, Miss Anne-"

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