Chapter 18 : Playing the Marriage Game

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It has been nearly been two months—to be exact, forty-one days—since Miss Anne met the prince, and yet, there is still no proposal!

In fact, Anne has seemed to be rather distant with his highness—and his grace, but I doubt he is an option after he embarrassed her at the ball by starting a fight!—of late, instead choosing to be with his sister (the princess), along with the marchioness.

However, we all know the clock is ticking for the young Lady, and yes, she could marry some old lord in need of an heir, but who in their right mind would settle with that when they are in favor of a prince!

Even if she didn't love the prince, it certainly would be a better fate than what is bound to happen if she is not engaged soon.

Which is a sad fate for women, is it not? the fact they must marry a man—which, truly is terrible on its own. Men are such dreadful creatures—or simply, be a washed-out maiden.

—Lady Feicuiton Societt Papers—
—3 September 1813—

Anne walked into the ballroom with her mother on her arm—she had decided to take Anne by herself for the evening, which in all honesty, Anne could not be more thrilled for that fact—looking around for any sight of his highness, the prince.

Unfortunately, her mama noticed her searching, raising a brow at her eldest, "Are you looking for someone sweetheart? perhaps... her highness, Marcy Wu?"

Anne blushed a bit, looking at her mother confused, "No? why would I be doing that?" she asked, some accusation in her tone.

The viscountess shrugged a bit, noticing her daughter's strange tone of voice. Anne sighed, looking away from the Lady so she could continue a search, "I am looking for her brother, Marcius."

Now, that sentence was certainly shocking, the viscountess had heard from the queen herself that Anne was a homosexual, and yet here her daughter was, saying she was searching for his highness!

Perhaps she had already figured marrying him was the best decision? (her daughter was quite sharp), or perhaps she wasn't a lesbian after all! perhaps her majesty was incorrect?... which was a sentence she would never dare say aloud. Well, to figure out this dilemma, she would simply have to ask the Diamond—at home, of course.

"Oh!" Anne spoke up, knocking the viscountess out of her thoughts. "There is the prince!"

Anne looked towards her mama, smiling softly—even though her smile didn't seem quite genuine—"May I go promenade with his highness?" she asked, and her mama simply nodded.

Anne hurried towards the prince, walking to him with haste. She had read what Lady Feicuiton had wrote as of late, and even though she made the brunette feel better with her sentence of how terrible it is she had to marry one of the dreadful creatures the world called 'men', she couldn't stop thinking of what she said before that.

Her time was ticking.

She had to get a marriage proposal from his highness in the next week, or god knows what will happen to her.

She just had to go back to her original plan: marry as soon as possible—and stop distracting herself with the princess and marchioness, no matter how wonderful it felt to be distracted by those beautiful women.

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