Chapter 5 : Alone Together

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At last week's ball, it seems that Lady Anne had filled up her dance card as soon as possible, since she only had danced for a mere hour before just standing to the side with her grace, Sasha Waybright.

Speaking of the young marchioness, it has been nearly two months of balls—that she attended almost all of, may I mind you—she has not been seen dancing with a single man, only standing with Miss Boonchuy and giggling together.

Those two surely have become very close—I would even say they were inseparable—if her grace was a boy along with the rest of her siblings, this author thinks they'd be married!

I suppose the young lady decided to marry the man as close to her grace as possible, her brother Alexander, (even though it is not official quite yet, everyone sees how they look at each other, especially how his grace looks at Lady Anne).

Speaking of his grace, I heard he was out shopping for diamond jewelry; I do wonder, is it proper gifting a diamond, to a Diamond?

—Lady Feicuiton Societt Papers—
—18 July 1813—

Anne snickered as her and Sasha judged the lots of men in the ballroom, "Oh dear, why are they so clumsy? what on earth were they doing during their child years!" Sasha whispered to the brunette with a giggle, Anne couldn't help but snicker along with her, "They were too busy out hunting like ruffians I assume," Anne rolled her eyes mumbling before taking a sip of her freshly squeezed lemonade, "oh how I hate hunters."

Sasha smirked, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow, "You are aware my brother is a hunter, correct?"

Anne's cheeks went an excellent red as she choked on her drink, lightly tapping her chest as she coughed up the sour drink from her lungs, making the blonde laugh from her surprised reaction.

"I- I didn't know that!!!" Anne blurted out with flushed cheeks, Sasha struggled to hold back her continuing laugh as she asked with a smirk, "What's wrong Annie?"—about two weeks ago, the two had become so close they were using first names and even nicknames for each other! just as Lady Feicuiton said, they were inseparable—"is my dear brother being a terrible hunter a deal breaker?"

Anne blushed even more, crossing her arms and pouting at the blonde, "I'm sure I could convince him to stop, I am the Diamond after all." she harshly whispered, quiet enough so no one else heard her vainness, but her tone showed it off to the marchioness.

Sasha gasped with a smirk, "Oh my, such pridefulness Miss Boonchuy!" she quietly responded, Anne raised her eyebrows as she quickly spoke back, acting insulted but her smile—that she couldn't hide even if she wanted to—showed she wasn't, "Pride is a sin, your grace!"

Sasha rolled her heterocromic eyes, making sure to keep her voice low as she said, "Sins are made by dead men who were probably worse dancers than the fools in here, besides," she snickered a bit as she shrugged, being less serious than before, "it is one of the lesser sins."

But the brunette just tsked, shaking her hand with a stupid grin on her face, but the slow head shaking didn't last long because she quickly bursted out into a fit of laughter, Sasha joining in a bit, but not as heavily as Anne, mostly so she could admire the Thai girls features as she laughed.

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