Chapter 2 : Diamond of the First Water

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Tonight is the very first ball of the season—hosted by the one and only, Lord Grimothy—not only is this fact alone an exciting day for the young ladies of the ton', but it is even more terribly exciting, since the Marchioness of Swansea has been confirmed to coming tonight, so who knows, perhaps she shall bring some of her available brothers?

Although, if I were you, young reader, and we were indeed blessed with the company of one of the Marquess's, I would try to get their attention before the seasons Diamond of the first water—Lady Anne Boonchuy—shows up to sweep them off their feet!

—Lady Feicuiton Societt Papers—
—3 May 1813—

Anne felt excitement bubble in her chest as her maids helped her into her blue gown, a big smile on her face as they laced up her corset. It was peaceful, the sound of her grandfather playing on the piano from downstairs, the sound of her ribbons being drawn through each hole of her dress, it was the perfect start before her loud and noisy night.

That was true, until Pollyanna bursted through the room of course. Anne gave her an unenthusiastic look, her mother telling her in a slightly strict tone, "Polly dear, please calm yourself."

Pollyanna stuffed a paper into her mother's hands, "Father told me to show you this with haste, I simply was doing what I was told." Mrs. Boonchuy rolled her eyes before she looked down to what was placed in her gloved hand, grimacing as she read what it was, "...Lady Feicuiton's societt papers...?" she sighed, looking back at her young daughter, "Sweetheart, you know I don't like this woman's writing."

Pollyanna put her hands on her hips, "Yes I know, but Father said you'd be interested in this one, something about the 'Dukedom of Swansea' and 'Anne's a diamond'."

Mrs. Boonchuy raised an eyebrow, intrigued by what her daughter had said, reading the first piece, mumbling with a smile, "Lady Waybright will be there, that's nice I haven't seen her since she was merely a child... Ooh, and perhaps her brothers will be there as well, how delightful-" the woman cut herself off with a gasp, "Diamond of the first water?!?!?!"

Anne tilted her head, raising an eyebrow as she asked, "What?" her mother shot up from her seat, rushing over to her eldest daughter and showing her the paper, "Lady Feicuiton named you the Diamond of the first water!! she says," Viscountess Boonchuy turned the paper to herself, reading from the news word for word, " 'Although, if I were you, young reader, and we were indeed blessed with the company of one of the Marquess's, I would try to get their attention before the seasons Diamond of the first water—Lady Anne Boonchuy!!—shows up to sweep them off their feet!'!!!"

Anne let a surprised smile form on her lips, her eyes wide but blinking frequently as she repeated, "I'm the Diamond of the first water??" Mrs. Boonchuy nodded, squeezing the brunette's hands as she confirmed, "Diamond of the first water!!"

As the two squealed together, Pollyanna furrowed her brows, stomping to the sides of them and asking, "I thought you didn't like Lady Feicuiton, mother?" Viscountess Boonchuy looked at the young Lady, saying with a smirk, "That was before she called our dearest Anne such a lovely title." she looked back at her eldest, "And to think, you could marry a Marquess! I'm friends with their parents you know! they're quite splendid people and I'm sure their sons are too! perhaps you could have a love match your very first season!!"

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