Chapter 3 : The Power of Cats and Beautiful Women

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A little birdie told me that Lady Boonchuy was seen last night talking to the Duchess Waybright, her second son Alexander Waybright, and even the only daughter of the Swansea Dukedom, the Marchioness, Sasha Elizabeth Waybright.

This Author wonders, is miss Anne simply being kind to her parent's close friends and their children? or is she trying to secure a title of her own? the Marchioness—or even Duchess if something were to happen to the eldest son of the Waybright's—Anne Boonchuy does have a nice ring to it.

—Lady Feicuiton Societt Papers—
—4 May 1813—

Anne looked at the mirror as her maid rubbed some rouge on her cheek and another did her hair; she was getting ready in preparation for suitors—which her mama said, she was sure to get many.

She wasn't sure she wanted any suitors though, to be completely honest, she wanted to play with the marchioness, Sasha Waybright, yesterday during the ball they had such fun!

Her grace would point out a man who was dancing terribly, and make fun of him behind her feathered fan with Anne, the brunette thought it was quite scandalous to be making fun of a man—although in all honesty, Anne agreed that it was quite funny how horrendous these Lords were at dancing—but Sasha was royalty, she could do as she wished.

Anne just loved how Sasha made her feel, especially in comparison to all the men she danced with that evening, even the kind ones seemed unbearable, thinking of them as romantic partners just made her want to hurl.

Unfortunately, that was what is expected of young Ladies, to find themselves a husband, and be the perfect wife.


"Miss Anne?"

Anne popped out of her thoughts, looking at her personal maid, Melanie, "Are you alright miss?" Anne simply nodded, not wanting to admit she was daydreaming about the marchioness, "I was simply lost in thought," she lied, "what were you saying?" she asked, with a warm smile.

"You are ready for your suitors, madam." The other maid said, Anne's lady's maid smiled brightly, "You already have some waiting downstairs!"

Anne took a shaky breath in, letting it out and forcing a smile, trying to keep her breath under control as she answered, "How... lovely..." Anne let out a small sigh with her eyes closed, preparing herself for a moment before opening her determined eyes, grabbed her nice blue fan off her vanity and leaving her room with quick steps and down the hallway, taking another deep breath in as she saw the stairs.

Anne couldn't help but nibble on her lip for a moment, looking at the stairs in horror, she could hear the men talking from there, just a few more steps and she would have to face them all.

Anne took another shaky breath in and out before taking her last steps towards the staircase, putting on her most gentle and attractive face she could fathom.

As Anne stepped down her stairs, she fanned herself with a soft smile, looking around the room below her and seeing dozens of suitors, and even if it was unfortunate for her joy, it was fortunate for her future, perhaps one of these men would be her future husband, and she shall finally do as she was made for.

As she made it to the bottom of the stairs, the men in the room rushed towards her, offering her hundreds of gifts; and even if Anne did not enjoy the suitor's company, she had to admit, she enjoyed the presents.

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