Chapter 10 : Private Conversations

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Today is the (recently widowed) Baroness Berrinton's ball, and now that her husband is out of the way, I believe her crazy creative side shall pop out as it did when she was a young lady; perhaps there will even have peacocks there!

Nonetheless, I'm sure it would be an amazing ball, for a proposal from a marquess—that would be, of course, if a prince wasn't interested in our Diamond.

I must admit, it was quite idiotic for Alexander to wait so long to pop the question, because who on earth would choose a marquess—that's not even first in line to the Duke title, may I mind you!—over a prince?

—Lady Feicuiton Societt Papers—
—7 August 1813—

"Oh my," Marcy mumbled, looking at the painting of a dozen almost completely naked women posed in ridiculous ways. The young princess squinted her eyes at the drawn picture as she tapped her chin, "this is quite dull, would you not agree?"

Anne nodded, agreeing with the ravenette as she looked at the painting with a puzzled expression, "It is terribly familiar, yet I am sure this is the first time I've seen it."

Sasha rolled her eyes, crossing her arms as she glared at the art, "That is because, just like all these paintings,"—she said, obviously talking about the dozens of other paintings near—"it was done by a man who sees a woman as nothing more than a decretive object."

Anne nodded once again, squinting at the painting as she tried to name what she saw, "They're like..."

"Human vases!" Marcy said, finishing Anne's sentence, making the other two laugh at her sudden astonishment in finding the correct word, they truly did remind them of human vases!

Unfortunately for the trio, their giggles got cut off short by a man coming up to them. "Good evening ladies," He welcomed. When the three turned around, they realized it was prince Marcius, so Anne and Sasha bowed to him—Marcy just glared judgingly.

"Oh, to what do we owe this honor??" Marcy mocked, snickering when Marcius glared at her, but only until the girls next to her stood up, and he went back to his perfect prince personality.

Marcius bowed shortly to Sasha, showing his respect for her title, "Well," he began, looking at Lady Anne with a soft smile, "I was wondering if I may take Miss Boonchuy to dance?—or if I may, Miss Anne?"

Anne gave him a small nod with a heart-melting smile on her perfectly soft lips—that Sasha and Marcy have both studied intensely—"You may," she said, letting him know she allowed him to call her 'Miss Anne' before answering his first question, "but I must ask, why do you ask so soon? the dances had not yet begun."

Prince Marcius simply gave her a grin, holding both of his hands tucked behind his back, "Well, I am aware that you are the seasons Diamond, and that you are quite... desirable..." he stated, slightly raising his eyebrow. "I simply wanted to ask before the rest of the men here did, plus, I would love to get to know you, my lady." he put out his hand for the brunette, and much to her dismay, she accepted it with a smile.

"Well... I must admit, I am quite honored," She lied, she could not possibly care less about the prince, she would rather dance with his sister—which was quite confusing since she was so incredibly certain she was in love with Sasha, why was Marcy making her feel such things?—but she had to accept nether the less, "and I would be delighted to dance with you."

Much to Anne's—and the two women next to her—dismay, Marcius brought her hand up to his lips and kissed it, just as he did when they first met, and Anne could not lie, it would've been very romantic if she was actually attracted to the poor fool.

Marcius began to walk off with Anne in his arm, the brunette shot the two an unpleased glance as she played it off like she was just waving to the two, wishing she could stay with them, but it was her job to dance with men who wished to.

Also, if she did have to marry a man, being a princess wouldn't be too bad.

"Oh dear..." Marcy mumbled, watching as her brother and Anne walked out to another part of the room, "my brother is so incredibly oblivious, he cannot even realize Anne is not interested in him."

Sasha groaned, leaning back onto the wall, "It is the same with mine! Alexander just cannot tell she is not interested in m-" she cut herself off with a hand slap, which caught Marcy's attention. "Not interested in what? your grace."

Sasha's blush showed from underneath her palm, she hoped Marcy would let her accidental slip-up go, but unfortunately for her, Marcy was smart: but perhaps she could convince her? she was a huge—and successful—manipulator when she was younger.

Sasha slyly cleared her throat, smiling obliviously at the princess, "Oh nothing, do not worry about it."

Unfortunately, it seems her lying skills had worsened over the years.

Marcy tilted her head, a knowing smirk on her lips as she pressured Sasha to tell her, "No, I'm quite interested in what you were saying, what was it?"

Sasha blushed even harder, fiddling with her gloves as she smiled nervously—where was her thirteen-year-old self when she needed her! "N-nothing!!" she squeaked out, her face becoming even more flustered as Marcy leaned closer, her smirk growing.

When Marcys face got only two inches away from Sasha's face, she glanced from side to side, seeing that people were starting to get ready to dance—and men were starting to come towards them looking for a dance partner—so she decided it was the perfect time to ask what she's been meaning to for eight days,

"Would you follow me, please? I need to ask you something that requires a more... private spot." she asked, bringing her hand down to the blonde's hand and squeezing it lightly.

Sasha gave her a firm nod, feeling butterflies swarm in her stomach. Marcy squeezed her hand once again but didn't let it go, simply whispering to the marchioness "Fantastic." before running out the door with her and into the outside of the manor.

"Hm..." Anne hummed as she saw Sasha and Marcy run out of the room hand in hand, taking a sip of her fruity punch as she watched them leave—what on earth could they possibly be doing?

As Anne continued to wonder, she felt a gentle tap on her shoulder, "Um... Miss Anne? are you feeling alright?"

Anne jumped a little at the sudden voice, smiling nervously at Marcius, "O-oh! yes, my apologies your highness, I was erm... lost in thought." the brunette lied. Marcius smiled softly, "Ah, I see," he said before reaching out his hand, his grin showing some excitement, "well, it is time to dance, shall we?"

Anne swallowed before sighing out lightly, accepting his hand just like she had prior to the evening, "We shall."

February, 18th, 2023.

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