Chapter 15 : Little White Lies

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Good morning, dearest readers.

I must ask, last Tuesday at the opera show, did you feel the strange aura?

Around her majesty, her nephew and niece, Miss Anne, and the rest of the Boonchuy household, Lord Grimothy—or should I say Lieutenant Grimothy? congratulations on the promotion, my lord—and the marchioness Sasha, the air seemed thick.

Queen Olivia ceased to ask Miss Anne about her nephew, and in fact stayed quiet most of the night!—which we all know is rather crazy.

I do wonder, what had been told to her majesty that finally shut the damned bitch up?

—Lady Feicuiton Societt Papers—
—20 August 1813—

Sasha held her hands together neatly as she followed one of the royal family's maids—she was invited to the princess's castle and could not possibly be more excited, she hasn't seen her lover since the opera show! (and the aura there felt very... off, so it was not enjoyable).

Eventually, the maid had stopped in front of a door, knocking on the wood rather loudly before she announced to the person behind the door, "Your highness, the marchioness Sasha Waybright is here to see you." she told the princess inside.

The two waiting outside of the room quickly heard a polite sounding, "Please send her in Rose!" and with those words, the maid barely opened the door and stepped to the side, allowing the blonde to walk in with a small, speechless nod.

Sasha gave the maid a nod of her own before walking into the room, shutting the door behind her immediately. Before she let herself turn away from said door, her eyes filled with love, completely struck with joy as her eyes laid upon the princess of Prussia, one of the prettiest girls in the ton', and her lover, Marcy Regina Wu.

Sasha smiled softly when the two's eyes met, Marcy, on the other hand, gave the blonde a semi-devious grin as she spoke to her in a—quiet, so the maid couldn't hear, but still very—confident tone, "Why, good morning handsome."

Sasha couldn't help but giggle at the name. The blonde immediately walked towards Marcy with haste, the princess's eyes following the blue and brown ones up as they got closer to her, and when the two were directly in front of each other, they practically jumped onto the other.

Marcy wrapped her arms around the marchioness's neck as they kissed rather intensely, Sasha let one of her hands tug forward on the ravenettes hip and another gloved hand on her lower back. Their lips moved against the other harshly yet lovingly as they kissed, it was obvious that they both have been waiting for this opportunity, and now that they were both finally alone, they could do as they pleased.

But, Marcy couldn't let it go on any longer, it felt wrong to kiss each other without Anne there with them. Marcy gasped lightly as she pulled herself away from her lovers lips, taking all of her strength to push her off of herself, "Sasha, dearest... shouldn't we wait until Anne joins us?"

Sasha pulled back, breathing rather raggedly in her face, "Are-... are you sure?" she asked, her breaths uneven as she attempted to catch up with it.

Marcy nodded, letting go of the blonde so she wouldn't tempt herself, and sat on her bed, Sasha sitting next to her. Sasha tucked a piece of Marcy's hair behind her ear, a soft smile on her face, showing that she wasn't upset to wait for kisses, but curious, "When... when are we going to have Anne join our relationship?"

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