Chapter 19 : Our Diamond

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Last night, Lady Anne was seen talking, promenading, and dancing with his highness, Marcius.

Perhaps she finally took my advice? focusing on becoming Queen of Prussia instead of becoming the wife of some ninety-year-old Lord?

Well, no matter what budged her into making this decision, one can only feel happy for our season's Diamond.

Although, I feel as if I must add, Marcy Wu, (the Princess of Prussia—and sister to Marcius—), and Sasha Waybright (the Marchioness of the Swansea Dukedom), looked quite upset last night.

Perhaps they missed their close friend?

—Lady Feicuiton Societt Papers—
—5 September 1813—

I smiled as I felt a soft pair of arms wrap around my shoulders from behind, a softer voice tingling my ear as it whispered, "Why, hello my dear Anne."

I glanced down at the white gloves hugging me close, giggling to myself, I could realize that voice from anywhere. "Hello, Marcy..." I breathed out, fluttering my eyes closed.

Once my eyes shut, I heard another voice come from the smothering darkness around me, the only thing keeping me afloat is the light illuminating from the woman behind me, and once I opened my eyes again, I couldn't help but notice the blonde woman coming towards me had a very similar glow.

"Good evening, Anne." Sasha called out, walking towards me. My smile only grew as I realized both of my favorite young ladies were with me, and they were with me alone.

Sasha walked in front of me, holding the free hand I had—the other one was holding onto Marcy's hand—and pulling it up, resting it on her beautiful cheek, "Have I ever told you..." she whispered, looking shyly into my eyes, "How incredibly stunning you are...?"

I immediately blushed, was this truly happening...?

"I agree," Marcy spoke against my ear, her breath warm and tantalizing, "You are so beautiful, so kind, so... alluring..."

My breath hitched, hearing her highness say those words to me, it set a strong fire in my stomach, and it only grew as Sasha put her mouth to my neck—I assume she did so since Sasha despised ears with a passion, what else would she be doing to my neck?—"Isn't she?" she asked the ravenette, "So perfect, our Diamond..."

I blushed even more, and I couldn't help but repeat the marchioness, "...'Our Diamond'...?"

"Of course~" Marcy flirted out, moving her mouth from my ear and moving it to my shoulder, looking up at me with sultry eyes, "It's what you want, correct?"

Somehow, my face grew even hotter. I felt my muscles begin to tense as my mind truly began to realize how close they were to me. I looked down at the princess, swallowing dryly, "...H-... how did you know...?"

Sasha smirked, standing up in front of me and tucking a loose curl behind my ear, her other hand on my right hip, the same side Marcy was accompanying, "It's quite obvious, sweet Annie." Sasha spoke, Marcy deciding to add on, "Do you think we're oblivious to how you look at us? how you speak to us?"

Sasha looked at me, pouting a bit as she examined my very flustered face, "Oh, Marce, let us be kind to the poor girl, she's so red!" Marcy rolled her eyes, saying, "Fine, if I must." but when her eye roll ceased, a grin formed, and she poked my (very) warm cheek, "She's just simply adorable like this."

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