Chapter 13 : Rainy Day Strolls

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Men are so Idiotic, are they not?

Well, at least Miss Anne has her friends to help her overcome the simple-minded decisions of their brothers.

Dear god, sometimes I wonder how these men are royal.

—Lady Feicuiton Societt Papers—
—8 August 1813—

Anne held onto Marcy's arm—somehow, she had successfully snuck the strange marble box into her horse's satchel, so now she didn't have to hold it in place beneath her shawl—as the two walked on the path, keeping herself covered by the pastel blue parasol Marcy brought.

As the small dribbles of rain dropped around their shiny heel-shoes, the sounds of rain falling on the path and the noise of their shoes clacking, Anne couldn't help but smile; she was feeling so terrible just moments earlier, but even walking with Marcy made her feel better, there was no need for conversation, her presence was enough.

Although, when Marcy spoke, Anne was more than happy to listen. "Anne?" She asked quietly, even though there was no need to whisper, they were completely and absolutely alone, "may I ask you why you were so upset?"

Anne looked away, the mere mention of that memory made her cheeks flush of embarrassment, however, it was better to answer now than half to re-live it later and ruin a perfectly happy day, "...His grace, Alexander, he proposed to me..." she grumbled out.

Marcy's eyes went wide, she blinked a couple of times as she mumbled to herself, "...他花了足夠長的時間..." before responding to Anne's statement, "Did you not accept?"

Anne furrowed her eyebrows at the question, looking back at the ravenette and saying in an obvious tone, "Well of course I did not accept! he humiliated me last night! not to mention I do not love the poor fool, the only thing I actually like about him is his sister."

Marcy snickered, pulling Anne's arm closer and therefore making their faces closer, she smirked at the brunette, "I like Miss Sasha too~"

Anne couldn't help but giggle at the sudden closeness—Marcy was so good at cheering her up, she learned that last evening when her and Sasha made her feel better, they were so wonderful—she leaned her head on the princess's shoulder, looking up at the girl with only her auburn eyes.

Marcy smiled down at her, raising an eyebrow as she asked—a rather dumb question if you truly think about it, since she already knew the answer—"Well, do you love anyone? romantically, I mean."

Anne couldn't help but blush, she did love someone romantically, two people in fact, but she could not say that! only god knows how Marcy would react, and more than likely, her reaction would end with Anne on a stake.

"Um..." She mumbled a bit before actually answering, "no, I must say I do not—even if your brother is very charming~" she joked before sighing and standing her head back up straight to nervously look at the path underneath them, silently confessing, "Actually, while we're on the topic, I must admit, Marriage frightens me..."

Marcy tilted her head, looking down at the girl confused, "Well, why is that?" unlike her previous question, she wasn't sure what Anne would answer.

And, in complete honesty, Anne wasn't sure what she would answer either.

Anne had a lovely smile on her lips as she berated herself in her mind, what on earth was she thinking?? why would she say that?? the reason she was afraid of marriage is because it's between a man and a woman, but she can't tell Marcy that! what in the dear heavens would she say now?

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