Chapter 26 : True Escapism

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"Splendid." Anne spoke, an anxious grin on her face as she pulled the box out of her dress pocket, holding it dearly and close to her chest. "And... If I may say, I believe Sasha has the last one."

Sasha gasped, a smile on her lips as she nodded. "I believe you're right, Annie!" She looked to the Queen before explaining, "General Grimothy gave me the box after my pianoforte recital, I actually brought it as good luck today, I thought that it would be a nice reminder to keep me happy as Anne-"—she cleared her throat—"...It doesn't truly matter, all that does is that I have the box, I left it in Marcy's room."

The Queen sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "...Very well, I shall retrieve it."

"Auntie! Do not worry yourself with such things," Marcy insisted, running up to Olivia as she walked out of the room. But her majesty just stopped her niece, putting a hand up in front of the ravenette's face. "Do not be simple-minded, Marcy. Stay here, I shall be back in due time."

And with that, her majesty left the three alone.

After a few moments of silence, a shuddering cry spread throughout the air. Marcy and Sasha both immediately looked at Anne, who was letting many tears fall onto her perfectly white wedding dress.

"Annie?" Sasha called out, rushing to her side along with the ravenette. "What on earth is the matter?"

"Nothing," Anne spoke, and when she did, the two finally saw the smile on her face. "Absolutely Nothing."

Marcy wiped a tear off her face as Anne continued, a laugh erupting through the Thai girl's throat. "I am simply so joyous... We're going to be together! Without any doubt or frights!!"

Marcy laughed along with her, giving Anne a gentle kiss, "We will live our lives together as lovers with no worries. Since we have all the boxes, we will even be able to visit our families from time to time!"

Sasha sighed, also kissing the brunette's lips, "I'm so incredibly happy you remembered that I owned one. I wouldn't even have thought that it was connected."

Anne gave her a semi-smile, "Well..." she mumbled, "I knew what it was from the beginning; obviously not to its true extent, but I had a feeling yours—and my own—were more than just 'powder boxes'."

"Such brains, this one." Marcy mumbled before kissing Anne's temple. "But do know," Sasha said in between Marcy's kisses, "You may tell us these sorts of feelings in the future. We will never judge you."

Anne gave her lovers a small chuckle, saying a sweet "I know," before the sound of the door opening caught their attentions—and luckily, the person coming through said door was her majesty, who, unlike the rest of the kingdom, was not looking for the runaway bride.

But before the three could react to the Queen, her majesty stuffed the box into the marchioness's hands, saying in a rushed, and hushed voiced to the three of them, "Listen to me, children."

"The kingdom is no longer safe for you. The palace is swarming with guards, guests, and knights. I am not able to help you any longer, so you must advance to the other world by yourselves."

"What??" Marcy spat out rather unladylike, "How on earth are we expected to do that? Can we not simply do it now??"

Olivia gave her niece a rather cold eye, but there was still sympathy behind it. "No, we are unable to do so. You must be in a place close to nature—you shall go to the gardens. And when you get there, you must open your boxes at precisely the same time."

Olivia walked up to the three ladies, giving them each a kiss on their foreheads, giving the women her blessings. "Be careful, children. Und vergiss nicht, dass ich dich liebe, Marcy."

And even though her lovers didn't understand, Marcy nodded with teary eyes, a soft smile on her lips as she answered, "Ich liebe dich auch, Auntie."

And with those final words, the women escaped through the window—luckily they had escaped to a room on the last floor—and in the quietest manner they could manage, the three heading into the garden without being caught: well, until one certain person was spotted.

King Marcius.

Anne gasped when she saw him, and that gasp summoned the attention of her fiancé. "Anne?" He called out, seeing a peek of her wedding dress from behind the structure they chose to hide behind. "Miss Anne, I am well aware you are present. Please, I beg of you, let me speak with you."

After a few moments, the Diamond gave in to his wishes. Coming out with the princess and marchioness on each arm. Causing Marcius a great amount of confusion.

"What is...?" He mumbled. Marcy sighed, looking to her partners, "Go on without me, I shall be with you shortly." the ravenette insisted before looking back to her brother and walking up to him.

"Marcy... What is happening?" His majesty asked, his eyebrows furrowed, "Where is Anne going?"

Marcy took a deep breath in, looking at her brother with the most sincerity. "Marcius, I am going to be completely honest with you, because I love you."

"Anne, Sasha, and I, are lovers."

Marcius looked shocked and hurt. His eyes full of confusion, so Marcy continued. "We fell in love at Auntie's picnic, and we have not been able to be separate since... You must understand, brother. She's a lesbian, and you are a man. Nothing can change that."

Finally, Marcius spoke. But it was obvious something was caught in his throat by the way he pleaded, "But... I love her."

Marcy hugged the ravenet, holding him close as she softly said, "...I am sorry, Marcius."

Once she let go of him, she wiped the tear that fell from his eye. "I shall see you again one day. I love you, brother."

Marcius nodded, sniffling his nose as he tried to swallow the lump in his throat. "I love you as well, sister." And finally, with one last hug, Marcy left for the garden, meeting her lovers and escaping the world they once called home.

Good morning, dear readers.

I assume you are wondering what occurred during the wedding of King Marcius and Miss Anne, and for once, I do not truly know.

The whole day ended with the young misses Boonchuy, Waybright, and Wu going missing, and for that news, I am aware of what occurred—and where the ladies are.

Unfortunately, I am unable to tell you. And unfortunately, this will be my final issue.

The only real news I am able to tell you is that, you should not look for the missing young ladies. Because you will not find them.

But I can assure you, we are safe.

Yours Truly, Marcy Wu.

—Lady Feicuiton Societt Papers—
—13 September 1813—

October, 20th, 2023.

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