Chapter 21 : What Those in Love do

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Oh my, did you see the commotion that occurred last night?

Now, I personally have no idea what prompted the young Miss, but Lady Anne was seen crying—no, sobbing—last night. She ran out with her mama in less than two minutes, so as far as I know, no one knows why she was so upset.

However, I did overhear the young lady started her courses, perhaps she was so overwhelmed by the pains that come with such bodily functions, that she had to leave?

Well, no matter the cause, this Author hopes our Diamond feels better.

—Lady Feicuiton Societt Papers—
—8 September 1813—

Anne groaned as she read the latest Feicuiton issue, flopping back onto her bed with a very un-ladylike sound.

How did bloody Lady Feicuiton hear about her courses lie? that was meant as an excuse for Marcius! but, at least it did make an excuse for her leaving the ballroom in tears, it was just quite embarrassing that now the entire ton' thought she was bleeding.

Anne grumbled a curse under her breath as she rolled over on the bed, hugging one of her pillows to her chin. Thinking about yesterday in itself was just... bittersweet.

It was amazing! she got to kiss Marcy! she learned that her and Sasha loved her! and each other! all her dreams had come true!!

And yet, it was also terrifying. She had kissed Marcy, she had learned her and Sasha loved her, each other as well, and all of her terrible, sinful dreams were true.

Anne let out a tearless sob as she stuffed her face in her pillow, kicking her legs against the bed. She had kissed someone, woman or not, she had ruined herself, and Marcy as well.

She had ruined their lives.

Her tearless sob became not so tearless as her mind raced, what was she supposed to do now? no one would want her now, she was used, and damaged. Not to mention she had ruined Marcy as well—oh god, she had ruined a princess.

That surely had to count as treason, correct? oh dear... her life was over.

As Anne continued to cry into her feather-filled pillow, she heard a gentle knock on her door. The brunette sniffled her nose at the sound, calling out to the stranger in a stammer, "C-come in...!"

And when Anne heard the voice that followed the creak of the opening door, she felt her heart sink to depths it's never been before.

"Aw, Annie..."

Anne jumped up at the voice, seeing Sasha's beautiful, (yet worried), face. The marchioness sat down on the bed next to her, resting a hand on Anne's shoulder—which made Anne flustered, and made her cry even more due to her reaction—"Is this about what occurred last night?"

Anne gasped in horror, she shuffled away from the blonde, hugging her knee's closely to her torso, "...Marcy told you...?"

Sasha nodded, scooting back towards Anne to close the space the brunette made, "Yes. And we've came to apologize."

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