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Sasha wiped a fair bit of sweat off her forehead as she walked into her house, a large rabbit corpse slung over her shoulder.

"Good evening, my dear!" Marcy called out from the makeshift couch—if wasn't as nice as the couches they sat upon in London, but it was still quite comfortable.

"Good evening, Mar-Mar." The blonde answered with a smirk. "Do you know where Anne is?" She asked, and Marcy nodded, pointing towards the kitchen.

Sasha gave her wife her thanks, before heading into said kitchen, putting the excessively large rabbit, (which was at least the size of Sasha's torso), on the counter.

"For dinner tonight, lovely." The former marchioness spoke. Anne looked down at the rabbit with a bit of disgust, but just nodded. "...Why thank you, dearest..."

Sasha giggled, and Marcy joined as she walked into the kitchen, joining the two. "I believe we should all pitch in for dinner tonight; after all, it is the anniversary we escaped that dreadful season."

Sasha raised an eyebrow at the ravenette, "Is it truly?" she asked. Anne let out a happy hum, ignoring the rabbit corpse as she grabbed onto her lovers hands. "It is! One whole year..." The brunette gaped.

Marcy snickered a bit, kissing Annes temple. "You were almost my sister in law," She reminded, making Anne let out a grossed out sound, forcing the other two to laugh.

This was truly paradise.

...hey guys :D

it's been a while, huh?

*cough* 51 days *cough*


im not sure what amphibia stories im going to make next, i know im going to re-write roommates and (maybe) hey cutie

but uhhhhh

this is it for now!

i hope you enjoyed 💕

October, 20th, 2023.

Word Count
Ao3 (15+) - Buttercup_Clouds
Tiktok - Buttercup_Clouds
Pinterest - Buttercup_Cloudss

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