Chapter 23 : Presents

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Why, good morning, my dears.

I'm afraid your favorite scandal sheet writer has nothing to report on!

Yes, there is her grace, Sasha Elizabeth Waybright's pianoforte recital, but if I'm telling the complete truth—which, I always am—I would prepare yourself for a mediocre performance, as I have heard her grace telling others how much she despises the instrument and how "Bloody Difficult" it is.

Well, let's hope the marchioness's piano skills aren't the only interesting thing that occurs today.

—Lady Feicuiton Societt Papers—
—9 September 1813—

Sasha looked out to the audience with large eyes, she felt herself begin to sweat—normally, she wouldn't even bother being frightened, she was the marchioness of Swansea! people are frightened of her.

However, there were two souls in the audience that weren't frightened of her, in fact, their presence made her feel those terrifying emotions!

And those two were, (unfortunately), Anne Boonchuy and Marcy Wu, her illegal lovers.

"May I have your attention, please." Someone from the stage called out, and when Sasha looked from the sidelines, she saw it was her piano instructor, a proud smile on their face—which didn't make much sense Sasha thought, since she was about to embarrass his entire career. "Hello," He projected after the audience ceased their talking, "I am the instructor that has taught the marchioness the lovely song she shall be playing tonight, which is Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven,"

Her instructor continued to go on a spiel about how he wished Beethoven had taught her as he did to him, and other words about how much a genius her grace was, (even though he never treated her as such).

Sasha sighed, hugging her torso tightly; she wished for him to finish so she could complete this utterly embarrassing task.

However, when he did finish, she regretted that wish, but no matter her wants, she went on anyways, sitting down before her pianoforte, and placing her fingers on the keys. Sasha took a deep, raspy breath in before letting it out in a cool blow, letting her fingers press down on the keys.

It seemed like everything went by in a flash—even though it was very slowly, she was not playing the song at the correct tempo—so as soon as it began, it was over.

Sasha sighed, the sweat from that was most definitely showing on her maroon colored dress, but when she looked out to the audience and heard applause, she suddenly felt better about her performance—and she especially did when she saw Marcy and Anne standing while they clapped, persuading other's to join and give the blonde a standing ovation.

Sasha took a relieved breath out before standing up, curtsying, and leaving the stage.

Anne nervously stood by the entrance to the stage next to Marcy—the brunette was quite nervous, it was scary enough to be next to Marcy, but Sasha as well? it was terrifying! what if she showed too much, and other's found out about her feelings, what if they found out the three of them were together?!

As Anne waited anxiously, she got tapped on the shoulder. The Diamond turned around, seeing Alexander with a nervous smile, "Good evening, Miss Boonchuy."

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