Chapter 11 : Confessions with Kisses

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Oh, remember when I said the marquess Alexander was shopping for diamonds?

Well, I've heard a little secret that he brought said diamonds tonight!

I'd be wearing my best dress if I were you, Miss Anne—unless you are indeed choosing prince Marcius, if so, I certainly wouldn't blame you!

—Lady Feicuiton Societt Papers—
—7 August 1813—

As Marcy guided Sasha into the back of the house, which was a beautiful flowery garden, she couldn't help but notice how silent and secluded it was—besides from the dozens of peacocks flocking around, Lady Feicuiton was not kidding!—perfect for a private conversation as the princess wished.

"So..." Sasha started, sitting down on a bench surrounded by beautiful rose bushes as she looked at the ravenette, "what do you wish to ask me?"

Marcy let out a deep sigh, suddenly the anxiety was hitting her as the pressure of what she was going to ask hit her like a carriage pulled by twenty shire horses. What if she was wrong?—which was almost the rarest thing in history, she's only been wrong seven times in her eighteen years of life, (and most of those were from she was little), but what if she was! she was about to ask one of the most scandalous realities in their century!

And yet, she needed to ask, or she would drive herself to madness from wonder. What was the worst that could happen? Sasha report her to the authorities and having her killed? who'd believe a marchioness over a princess anyways.

And so, with that small amount of relief, she asked.

"I..." Marcy swallowed, fiddling with her thumbs as she sat down next to Sasha, taking in a deep, sharp breath before looking at the blonde, putting a hand on her covered knee as she leaned forward, whispering to her with very flustered cheeks, "Do you have romantic feelings for Anne??"

Sasha immediately went bright red, her head jutting back from the princess's sudden closeness, "W-what?!?! I have no idea what you're talking about!!" she lied.

And realizing this is not the way a normal Christian woman of the ton would answer, Sasha cleared her throat, trying to force her blush away as she scooted away from the ravenette, crossing her arms and turning her nose up in disgust, "Besides, I have absolutely no idea why you would ever think I would partake in any homosexual feelings, especially a relationship for that matter."

Marcy pouted, crossing her arms just like the lying woman beside her. Sasha was not a good liar, and her response only proved to Marcy that her theory—that she was already almost completely sure was correct—was 100% right.

Marcy scooted closer, taking one of Sasha's hands into her own, placing it in her lap as she looked at the marchioness with understanding eyes and a matching smile, "Don't worry Sasha, it's okay, I... have a small crush on her as well..." she confessed in a low voice, looking down at the soft green grass below their feet.

Her face was extremely flushed as she brought the blonde's hand up to her chest, placing it where her heart beated and looking into her beautiful, heterocromic eyes.

Sasha felt her heart speed up at the motion, feeling Marcy's doing the same. The marchioness blushed (somehow) even harder than she had previously, looking into Marcy's genuine, brown eyes, and she knew she had to confess her feelings as well.

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