Chapter 16 : Husbands or Wives

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I must say, isn't it strange how the young Miss Boonchuy hasn't gotten a husband thus far?

Perhaps she hasn't found a man she's interested in?—which in all honesty, would make no sense, since every man, father, and grandfather of the ton' is trying to gain her affection.

Perhaps the Lady already has a love interest in mind? and if so, I believe she should be bold, and tell the individual that she has feelings for them.

If she does not soon, she will have to go into a second season unmarried!!

My God, who would want her then?

—Lady Feicuiton Societt Papers—
—25 August 1813—

Anne collapsed onto the couch as her last caller for the day left, completely letting herself relax by letting her legs spread apart instead of keeping them together and ladylike, letting her head fall back and over the couch cousins, and having her arms spread over the top of it, sighing deeply into the couch.

She heard a chuckle from her brother Brin, and she couldn't help but pout her lips at the sound, "My, my, my... Anne, that's not very ladylike."

Anne simply gave him a crude gesture in response, sticking up her middle finger at him, making him gasp, and her younger sister, (who was also in the room), laugh hysterically.

After Pollyanna ceased her giggles, she let out a satisfied sigh from her previous laughter, smirking at her exhausted older sister, "I am glad I have nine more years until my debut, I am not looking forward to dealing with that every weekday."

Brin smiled sweetly, looking at Pollyanna as he reassured, "Oh but Polly, you have nothing to worry about! the most suitors you'll have are about three, maybe four- ow!" he cried out as Pollyanna punched his arm.

"Do not say such things! you bastard!" She yelled. Brin gasped, pushing her back as he yelled with a big grin, knowing that what she said would get herself in trouble, "Mama! Polly called me a bastard!!"

"WHAT?!?!?" Their mama immediately screeched, which made Pollyanna flick his nose with a snarl, "You tattletale!!"

The two continued to squabble and argue, so much they made Anne yell—not moving, of course, but still very loud, "Oh do shut your mouths!! if you must argue, argue away from me! my head aches, and I am far too exhausted for your utter nonsense!!"

That outburst made them quite silent, but unfortunately, that small moment of peace ceased when their mother came in.

Viscountess Boonchuy immediately ran up to her youngest child, lightly smacking her head—not so hard to hurt, but just a smack to let her know she did something wrong; like how'd you'd gently smack a cat's bottom for going on a kitchen counter—the moment she got to her. "Pollyanna! you do not swear in this household!" Pollyanna pouted, crossing her arms with an annoyed face, "Anne swore last month and she did not get reprimanded, and Sprig swore just then and you came up and hit me!!"

Mrs. Boonchuy tapped the tip of her daughter's small nose, "That's because they are older, you are still young." and when the viscountess turned around to leave, she saw her daughter sitting like a drunk fool, immediately gasping.

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