Chapter 24 : Sad Realities

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Well, my dearest readers, I have terrible news to share with you all.

King Andries of Prussia—third born to his father, the late King Aldrich—has died.

Since his son, (Prince Achilles), is no longer with us, the crown passes on to the King's first-born grandson, Marcius Wu—who will be leaving the London season early, along with his sister Princess Marcy for the coronation and funeral.

All Heil King Marcius Wu, ruler of Prussia. And may his grandfather rest in peace.

—Lady Feicuiton Societt Papers—
—12 September 1813—

Anne paced back and forth in her room, her body filled with anxiety and concern: it was the twelfth, and she was still unengaged.

She supposed she deserved this, she had ruined herself after all and kissed two women—which, she had to confess felt simply magnificent at the time—and the ladies of the ton' always knew (somehow) of what was occurring behind closed doors, Anne should've anticipated this.

Anne felt tears sting her eyes, she looked at the longcase clock swinging back and forth, it was a little past two in the afternoon; no more suitors were visiting that day, obviously word had gotten out, (and if it hadn't, it would very soon).

Anne was ruined.

She would age, and become a spinster, and she would drag Sasha and Marcy along with her to the brunette's terrible fate.

The season's Diamond—no, the season's Disappointment sat down on her bed, clenching the blankets below her with her fists, she wished she could just marry who she loved, she wished society wasn't like it was, but it was, and now she had ruined everything associated with her.

As Anne softly cried into her silk gloves, a firm knock was heard on her door. "Miss Anne," Melanie called out, she sounded quite sorrowful, "the latest Feicuiton has been posted."

"I do not feel like reading it today, Melanie." Anne sobbed softly, she had a feeling that by her tone, the news of her lost innocence had gotten out and was posted in the new column.

"No, my lady, I believe you shall like to read this one," Melanie said softly before slowly opening the door, looking at the brunette with a sad expression, "it is about her highness and his highness—pardon me, his majesty."

Anne furrowed her eyebrows, looking at her maid confused, "Who, precisely, are you talking about...?"

Melanie looked as if she could cry as she answered, "The Prussian royals, their grandfather has... the Queen's brother, he..." Melanie choked back a cry before handing Anne the Lady Feicuiton gossip sheet, and as Anne read, she understood why her maid was so incredibly upset.

King Andries of Prussia had died, the Queen's brother was deceased, and now Prince Marcius was King Marcius.

No wonder he hadn't come that day to propose, he was so overcome with grief, he couldn't, not to mention Marcy was also most likely so overwhelmed...

Oh dear, her Marcy, she must be so upset, her grandfather had died, and now she had to leave? Anne had to go see her, to comfort her! and at the very least say her goodbyes!

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