Chapter 9 : Sweet Peas, Calla Lillies, and Hyacinths

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Good Evening, dear reader.

As we all know, the royal picnic was hosted this weekend and during that luncheon, the prince and princess of Prussia were introduced!

However, I shall skip all the terribly unexciting things that happened at the Queen's picnic, and jump straight to the fun!

As we all know, the marquess Alexander is courting Miss Anne Boonchuy, but it seems the young lady just attracts royalty, because the prince of (once again), Prussia—Marcius Wu—is interested in her as well! since he attempted to talk to her as much as possible at the Luncheon.

Oh, and when I said Lady Boonchuy attracted royalty, I did not just mean suitors, because it seems the marchioness (Sasha Waybright) and the princess (Marcy Wu) are quite fond of the Diamond as well!

—Lady Feicuiton Societt Papers—
—28 July 1813—

Sasha hummed to herself a pleasant little song as she browsed the collection of bouquets at the market, she was on the prowl for some flowers for Lady Anne, and she wanted to get the best flowers they sold.

Eventually, she stumbled onto a bouquet of blue hyacinths, calla lilies, and sweet peas, and for some reason, the beautiful combination of blue, green, and pink called her to buy them, and so she did.

"Thank you," The blonde thanked as she paid the merchant, she turned back to walk to her carriage, but before she could even take her third step, someone called out to her, "Sasha!"

Sasha looked back with an eyebrow raised, who in their right mind wouldn't call her 'her grace'? but once she saw who it was, she understood.

Sasha smirked immediately, bowing lazily as she said in a sing-song voice, "Oh, hello princess Mar-Mar~"

Marcy immediately giggled, Sasha couldn't help but sneak a peek at that, she was so pretty as she gently laughed with the setting sun behind her. "Well," Marcy began as she stopped her chuckles, walking closer to Sasha with her parole over her shoulder, "it was fantastic seeing you now, because I was going to take a stroll in the park, ...would you care to join me?"

Sasha glanced down at the bouquet in her hand, she really ought to give these to Anne before nightfall—however, she also wanted to stroll with the ravenette, they had grown close at the picnic, and Sasha wanted to keep that closeness, she truly seemed like a wonderful person.

So, Sasha accepted her invitation.

"Well," Princess Marcy began, looking at the path ahead of them as the two walked side by side, "those flowers were quite lovely"—Sasha had put her flowers into her carriage before going to the park with her highness—"who were they for? your mother? or an aunt perhaps?"

Sasha couldn't help but smile, looking down at her feet as she tangled the back of her blush-pink dress in her gloved hands, "...I was getting them for Lady Anne, actually."

Marcy blinked a bit surprisedly, giving the blonde a small questioning brow as she answered, "That's... very kind of you." the ravenette looked back to the path before them, seeing a little stone bridge ahead of them, "I read in Lady Feicuiton you two are very close, I suppose that was true."

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