Chapter 14 : Realizations and Similarities

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Did you hear?

Miss Anne rejected his grace Alexander's marriage proposal!

I suppose this means she chose the prince; after all, who wouldn't want to be the Queen of Prussia!

Or perhaps... there is another suitor we're unaware of...?

Only time—or I, if I hear some new gossip—will tell.

—Lady Feicuiton Societt Papers—
—17 August 1813—

"I cannot believe you rejected his grace's marriage proposal!!" Pollyanna announced to her sister as she bursted into Anne's room. Anne glared at her youngest sibling through her vanity mirror as her lady's maid Melanie smeared some rouge on her cheek. "Where did you hear that?"

As Pollyanna went on and on about how she thought Anne and Alexander were soulmates from how often him and his sister (Sasha) visited, Anne whispered to her maid, "Did you tell anyone?" but Melanie simply shook her head in response.

Anne sighed at her response, putting her focus back on Pollyanna as she continued to blab on. "-and you must tell me, is the reason he waited so long was because he had proposed to you before??? because if so, you just simply must-"

"Pollyanna!" Anne nearly yelled, forcing the young girl to stop talking. Anne rubbed her temples as she answered the one question she heard, "He did not propose to me before, the first proposal he has ever attempted was nine days ago." and now that Pollyanna's question was answered, Anne repeated her own question, "Now, I shall ask you once more, where did you hear that I rejected his grace? was it from mama? papa? or perhaps a servant?"

Pollyanna put her hands on her hips, yelling at her elder sister in a pouty tone, "Hey! how come papa and mama got to know, but not me?!"

Anne crossed her arms, turning around in her chair to look at the red-headed girl, making Melanie cease to apply on her rouge in the process, "Because, they are my parents. Now stop dodging the question, who told you Polly?"

Polly tossed a small rectangular paper she was holding, simply saying "Lady Feicuiton." as Anne looked at it.

The brunette read the piece of paper as fast as she possibly could, and when she was finished, she couldn't help but wonder who she told that gossiped so much Lady Feicuiton heard about it??

She had only told a select few, (her mama and papa, of course, Melanie, and also Marcy), but perhaps Alexander told others? although she had no idea why on earth he would do that, but it was the only explanation!

Her parents and Melanie wouldn't tell a soul, they were family after all, and she's sure Marcy wouldn't tell anyone—sure, she didn't mention the fact she didn't wish for others to know, but what would Marcy gain from telling anyone?

The answer is nothing, the princess would gain nothing, so it was obviously Alexander for some strange reason.

"Oh, well isn't this just perfect," Anne groaned out, slapping the Lady Feicuiton paper down on her dress, "I'm certain this is all they'll be talking about at the opera show, since the ton' is so interested in just about every breath I take!"

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