6 // Release Your Inhibitions

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Klay released her hands, still staring at the woman in front of him. Lifting her chin to give him a better advantage, he kisses her.

Cameron doesn't hesitate to kiss him back. It's slow and sensual until she bites at his bottom lip. With his tongue now in her mouth, they began picking up speed in their make out session. Her hands playing with his beard.

Klay kisses her neck lightly biting on it, causing Cameron to moan. As he continues to kiss on her, his hand reaches into her tights to see how wet she was. His finger tips rubbing her clit in steady circular motions.

"You continue to surprise me Garrett. I would've never expected all of this from you." Taking his hand out of her tights, he shows her the source of his shock.

She watches intently as he sucks both of the fingers covered in her juices. "I'm gonna need more of that."

He lifts her, practically tossing her into his arms and down the hall to his room. Laying her on the bed, he continues marking her body. Soon her tank top laid on the floor as he unhooked her bra.

"Now this is a sight." He hummed exposing her breasts. The cold air causing her nipples to harden. He kissed along her chest, not missing a single spot. Cameron ran her fingers through his curls, massaging his scalp as he kisses above her navel.

Kneeling on the bed, he tossed his own shirt to the side before positioning himself between her legs. With his hands on either side of her body, he pulls down her tights. He knew that she didn't have on any underwear from his initial sneak peak. Seeing her jewel in close proximity was better than he imagined. From the day he met her, everything about her stuck with him. The second time he laid eyes on her, the night at The Alchemist was the moment he knew, he wanted a taste. Here he was with his head between her legs, kissing her thighs.

Cameron hadn't been this intimate with anyone in a year and even in this moment, Klay had proven to be better than her fling with a name she couldn't remember at the moment. She enjoyed something as simple as kissing him and knew that those lips on her other set would be an euphoric moment to brag about later.

She forcibly had to take in a sharp breath as his tongue glided along her slit before finding its way to ring the bell. He teased her, circling her clit, grazing it with his lips. Cameron moved her core against his mouth, wanting more friction. The teasing was almost unbearable.

"You must want me to beg." She gasped as he began rolling his tongue in the perfect location. "Klay, please!"

Capturing her clit in his mouth, he sucked hard. The sudden and brash action caused her body to jolt from the bed. "Shit!" she gritted as he continued to suck, lap and kiss at her core.

His ego was boosted hearing her moan due to the work he was putting in. Klay was a pretty selfless lover, but with his history, he never had the right person to take his time with. He hoped Cameron could be it. Taking a breath, he bought himself up to kiss her lips again. Something he would like to do more often. She took control of the kiss, enjoying the taste of herself transfer from his lips to hers. He watched in awe as she lustfully looked at him, licking her lips.

Klay wanting to see her finish, returned to a place he would like to call home. Enjoying the sounds that echoed off his walls, he could imagine the faces she made. Looking up, she had already been watching him through hooded eyes. He sucked again, making sure to witness the eye roll and leg twitching combination. With his tongue inside of her and his nose consistently nudging her clit, Cameron clenched around his tongue with plans to release.

"Klay," her voice barely above a whisper, "I'm gonna cum."

"I know." He muffled, eating her as if it was his last supper.

After Cameron came Klay looked at her once more, thinking about his next move. Granted she agreed to go forward, but something told him maybe, just maybe this was going a little fast.

She opened her eyes, seeing a look of uncertainty in his, "Okay, now why are you looking at me like that?" She didn't bother to cover herself, he had either seen or touched all of her anyways.

"You sure about this?" He asked again.

"Well, sheesh, I don't know now. You look like you aren't."

Before he could respond, the surround system in his home alerting him there was a call coming in.

"Incoming call from Christina Gutierrez-Iguodala" Alexa announced.

Klay quickly answered the phone, it automatically being on speaker caused him to place his finger against his lips, signally Cameron to keep quiet.

"Hey Christina, you okay?"

"Hey Klay, sorry to call this late. I didn't have anyone else to call and Andre is having one of his moments again."

Klay sighed knowing what that meant. "Okay, I'll be over soon."

"Thank you."

He ended the call, looking over at Cameron who had a look on her face. "So I have to go handle something, but I'll be right back. Please don't leave."

"You sure you don't want me to come with you?"

"I don't know what I'm walking into. I rather you stay here and I'll see you when I get back."

Cameron nodded in understanding. Klay kissed her quickly before grabbing his shirt and heading out the door.


"Iggy, Chris! Open the door" Klay had arrived to the Iguodala residence around a half an hour after the call.

Christina opened the door, allowing Klay to enter the home. He noticed the broken glass on the floor and shook his head as he walked over the scene. "He's in his office."

Klay knew the house of his longtime teammate well. He valued Andre as a friend and brother. Now serving a a mentor to the Warriors, he still got to see him often but, there were some things going on deeper that he couldn't fully understand. Stepping into the office he saw someone he cared about sitting on the floor with their head in their hands.


Andre didn't bother to look up, he knew it was Klay. Out of everyone, this was someone he saw the most in these moments. Christina hated to call anyone but with Klay being someone her husband trusted and also one of the few without a family of his own, it was easier to ask for his help.

"What's up bro? Why are we in here today?" Klay sat on the floor next to his friend.

"I don't know man, I just snapped." It was heart breaking seeing a usually cool, calm and collected person out of bounds. Amongst the group, they would assume that Iggy was bipolar, but without medical backgrounds, they couldn't determine that for sure. Everyone tried being patient with him, as this was fairly new behavior he displayed.

"You know you can't keep doing this. Its not good for Lil Dre, London when she's here or Chris. You have to get some help."

"I know man, I know."

The mean sat together and talked for an hour before Klay went home. Christina had long cleaned up the mess in her home and went to bed, something Klay could not wait to do. He hoped Cameron was still there because after the long conversation with Andre, he wanted to talk to her.

Locking his home up and making sure the access lights were off, he made his way into his bedroom. Cameron looked to be sleep, which he didn't mind. He had been gone for over and hour. After showering and throwing on sweats, he laid in bed beside her. She turned around wanting to see him. She had woken up the moment she heard the shower run.

"You okay?" she asked caressing his cheek.

"Yeah, I'm alright."

"Is Andre okay?" She wearily asked. Cameron could tell it was a sore topic but she would be lying if she said it didn't worry her.

"He should be. I hope he is." There was a moment of silence between them before he spoke again. "I'm glad you stayed."

"You asked me to, so I couldn't say no."

"Well I appreciate it. Let's get some rest. I have a game tomorrow."

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