7// Couch Buddies

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Cameron quickly realized that the other night with Klay was not supposed to happen, at least not like that. She couldn't get those moments off her mind and she was distracted at work.

Delia noticed a change but she couldn't have the slightest guess of what was going on.

"You're coming to my get together right?"

"You mean Jordan's?" Cameron laughed.

"Same difference. Are you coming?"
"Yeah." Cameron shrugged.

"Is everything okay?" Delia asked not being sure if it was something serious.
"Just thinking too much. Don't mind me. What's going on with you?"

"Oh girl, I'm actually in the mood to share, a lot."

Cameron and Delia took lunch together. This being a time Cameron decided to leave the building to eat.

"What did you want to share?"

"I feel like there's just so much for you to know and you've told me a lot about you. It's only fair."

Delia proceeded to talk about how she became friends with the Warriors.

"Funny thing is, my job has absolutely no reason to cross paths with them. None of them have been or thought about working on a memoir yet. But, I being who I am just so happen to go to Davidson. I was a freshman when Ayesha was a junior. We took an acting class together. Then I ironically transferred to Elon and met Sydel who was then a freshman while I was a junior. Me and her are besties."

It all made sense. Cameron wondered how they connected and being as though Steph and Ayesha had a lot to say about Delia, them knowing her the longest warranted their insight.

"They actually convinced me to move here. I was enjoying life in New York. Maybe a little too much." Delia laughed. "I was quite the wild one, sort of a socialite."

"How did Harden really happen?"

"Family connections. I do not want to be a secretary but I'm organized and it's the only job that keeps me out of trouble."

"You couldn't have been that bad."

"When I got here, I was still stuck in my ways. I can tell you now if I hadn't woken up from my bullshit, I would've been married and divorced by now."

"Married AND divorced? From who?" Delia did not seem like the marrying type but people will surprise you.

"Kelly Oubre Jr., that bastard was best worst time of my life."

"I'm sorry what?"

"Yeah Cam. No one really knew. I mean some of the team did but that's about it."

"What happened if you don't mind me asking."

"He had a secret life I had no idea about. Even though he proposed to me, he proposed to someone else and married her after finding out she was pregnant. But in actuality I might've been the secret life. At the end of the day, it happened, I lived through it."

That insight helped Cameron understand who Delia was more.

"Well I'm sorry about that."
"Eh, it's okay. What can you do? People get their heart broken all the time."

"Doesn't mean it's right."
"This is true." Delia shrugged.

"Is this the reason you won't give Jordan a chance?" Delia was surprised Cameron would ask that. "Yeah, I asked it. I wanna know De."

"Part of it."

"Well what?"
"Whats the other part?"

They were now well into their appetizers and were awaiting their main course.

Memoir | Klay ThompsonWhere stories live. Discover now