19 // Temporary Solutions

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Klay couldn't focus on the game at all. The Rockets, a team with the worst standings in the league were currently beating their ass.

"Whatever the problem is, you gotta fix it quick Thompson." Kerr scolded.

He turned around to look at Cameron and she hadn't made eye contact with him the entire game. He wondered what the conversation with Erika was like. Klay couldn't tell if she was upset with him or not.

"He's looking at you again." Ayesha pointed out. "He's not gonna stop either." Hazel giggled.

"That's on him." Cameron shrugged.

"What did she say to you?" Delia asked, of course she recognized that Erika apologized but, in her mind, something was off.

"She told me why she told me and she admitted the way she did it was wrong. That was about it." Cameron did ask questions that put things in perspective for her, but it was no point of sharing those details.

"Someone needs to go talk to him. He's doing terrible." Hazel suggested.

Cameron looked over seeing that they were looking at her. "What am I supposed to say?"

"Oh, I don't know. Something that reassures him? He's not playing well cause he's worried about whatever it is you talked about with that girl."

"It's almost half time. Maybe you could go down there and talk to him?"

When halftime came, Cameron made her way to the tunnel to find the locker room. She made sure to text Klay so that he could meet her. It was a bit drafty and her arms were exposed.

"Hey, you wanted to see me?" He asked startling her. "Yeah, what's going on with you out there?"

"Just having a bad game. It happens. You okay?" He was more concerned about how she was feeling.

"I would be better if y'all were winning the game. I didn't come down to hellish Houston to see y'all lose." She joked. Klay chuckled, "What is it you want me to do?"

"Start shooting like you have some sense? I think that's a start."

The conversation was brightening his mood, "Okay, well can you do something for me?"

"What do you want Thompson?"

"What did y'all talk about when y'all left the gym?" She knew he would ask that, she planned on sharing later but her thoughts were still clouded.

"We talked about you, but you know that." He didn't say anything, he wanted her to continue. "Listen, it doesn't really matter what she said."

"It does cause I don't want it to be something completely made up." He feared that Erika put false perspectives into Cameron's head.

"I'm sure it isn't Klay. It's not the conversation to have right now. Relax. What she said to me isn't anything that I didn't already know. I need you to go out there and help your team okay?" He searched her eyes for any sign of uncertainty and although he was still learning her, he caught the glimmer in her eye that made him feel okay.

"Okay. I'll see you after the game."

Cameron gave him a pat on the shoulder before walking back to her seat. There was still a weight on her heart and although they needed to discuss what happened, she did not want to ruin the game. She realized what her current role was and she would play it, ultimately swallowing her own feelings about the subject.

The Warriors made a comeback in the third quarter, which was a huge splash in the Toyota Center.

"Thompson has been on a roll in this quarter! He's solidified the lead by landing 12 points, all made by 3's."

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