16 // Talking Helps

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"She's going to be fine Klay. Don't worry about it." Delia tried her hardest to calm the raging ball player but, nothing was working.

"They could've killed her. Who gave her the muffin in the first place?"

Delia didn't know, Cameron didn't say and it wasn't as if she asked. The point was for Delia to get her to the hospital safely. Klay didn't tell anyone where he was headed by he made his way as soon as the plane landed.

"Can I see her?" He almost seemed desperate. "Yeah, she's up, they gave her some meds, so she's definitely high right now."

Klay knocked on the hospital room door before Cameron granted him access. "Hey, you okay?"

"You can come sit down." Klay finds a seat near window.

"How you feeling?" She shrugged, "I'm okay. I mean, my face has gone down."

"You still look beautiful." He complimented. She blushed not knowing what else to say. "Thank you for coming. I appreciate it."

"It's no problem. I couldn't go home knowing you were here."


Cameron was released an hour later. Instead of going home, she went to Klay's. Delia went off to where they assumed to be Jordan's house. With her feet on his lap, Cameron's head laid on the arm of the couch, as she cuddled with Rocco.

Klay glanced over at them, seeing that Rocco was already looking at him. The owner and canine stared at one another before Rocco laid his head next to Cameron's. He wasn't as tired as he should be, so with an open suitcase and time to spare, Klay began unpacking.

After a half an hour, Cameron had woken up. She walked Rocco around the backyard before leading him to his room to sleep in. This large home was a maze to get around, she didn't understand why a single person would choose to live in such a large place. Finally finding Klay's room, she knocked.

"Come in."

He knew it could only be one person. But he appreciated her knocking before walking into the room. Klay sat on the floor, rubbing under the cuff of his left knee.

"How you feeling?" He asked, looking over her. "I should be asking you that. What's going on?" Cameron sat beside him on the floor.

"Just some muscle tenderness." He shrugged.

"Let me see." Klay laid his leg out, with Cameron placing both hands around his knee. "Do you actually take care of this knee outside of work?"

"I try to." She shook her head knowing that he didn't. That's probably why his healing process was stagnant.

"Tell me something about you." Cameron wanted to know more about Klay. He hid behind his job and would only ask her things to get to know her, never letting her in. "What do you want to know?"


Klay thought for a moment, he could tell her about his family. But the Thompson's weren't the best topic on the list of 'get to know you', they were a heavy conversation.

"This is my 10th season playing. Due to injury."

Cameron had the urge to roll her eyes. This was information she could find through the internet. But, if she planned on being around for awhile, she needed to learn as much as she could.

Memoir | Klay ThompsonWhere stories live. Discover now