Prologue // XO TOUR Llif3

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"Cameron, you're needed in conference room one." Delia announced over the phone.

Cameron gathered her notebook, pen and tumbler, walking through the aisle of her office floor to the conference room. There sat her boss, Miranda Harden, the current Director of Publishing at Harden Publishing Company based in San Francisco.

Across from Miranda sat two older men in suits. They meant business.

"This is Cameron. She will be collecting the notes for your proposal today."

"Pleasure meeting you gentlemen." She gave a firm handshake to them both.

"What is it you're looking to accomplish?" Cameron asked.

"We want to work a self help book for trust fund babies. Something that a lot of generation Z can relate to after receiving their inheritance."

Cameron wrote down their ideas. She wasn't interested in this project, she would surely forward it to Zach, or McKenna, they were trust fund babies and could relate to it.

"Well, this was a pleasure." Miranda smoothed her dress out. She didn't bother shaking their hands. Cameron would handle that for her.

As the men left Harden Publishing, Miranda picked up her coat and purse to leave as well.

"You're leaving?" Cameron questioned.

"Yes, is there a problem?" Miranda turned to her subordinate, with a raised brow.

"Umm—no. I just thought we would go over the structure plan before you assigned it to someone."

Miranda laughed, "Oh Cameron, you can handle that, I'm sure. You can handle that right?" She quizzed.

"Yeah, I can."

Miranda waltzed out the door into the San Francisco streets leaving Cameron to complete a two person job, alone.


"You're still here?" Delia was shocked as she expected to be the last one out of the building.

"Yeah. Miranda didn't leave any details so I had to do start from the bottom. But I'm wrapping up." Cameron looked up and noticed Delia had her bags. "You're heading out? Let me grab my things too."

It didn't take long for Cameron to collect her work and bags. She wanted to go home.

"You doing anything tonight?"

"Just going home to watch tv, and drink some wine, my usual Friday."

Delia frowned looking at her coworker, "I know it's last minute but I have an extra ticket to Lil Uzi's concert at the Chase Center tonight."

Cameron thought about it, she could use a night out. "It's VIP pit access."

That's all she needed to hear. Cameron was going to enjoy her night with Delia.

"This is insane De." Cameron was in awe of the crowd who came out for tonight's concert.

They followed security to the pit area. Delia greeted her other friends, leaving Cameron to stand to the side observing.

"Cameron, come meet my friends!"

She walked over with a smile as the group turned to face her. "I'm Cameron." She waved.

"I'm Mychal, nice to meet you. This is my boyfriend Andrew."

Andrew offered a firm handshake, which Cameron matched.

"There's a few people that are late, but they should be coming— yup, there they are!"

There were two abnormally tall men and a very short woman coming their way.

"Hey y'all, we're late because of Dray. It wasn't me this time."
"No, we're late because of Klay."

Everyone turned to look at Klay. "My bad guys, I lost track of time with Rocco." He nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

"Everyone, meet Cameron, she works with me at Harden. Cameron, this is Hazel, her husband Draymond and Klay, Mr. Always Late."

Hazel offered a hug, she was sweet like that. Draymond followed up with a side hug. Klay waved awkwardly, which Cameron returned.

Lil Uzi was performing, The Way Life Goes. This would be one of Cameron's favorite songs from that album.

"I know it hurts sometimes but you'll get over it! You'll find another life to live, I swear that you'll get over it." She sung along with the crowd.

"I know you're sad and tired you have nothing left to give. You'll find another life to live. I know that you'll get over it!" Klay sung along beside her.

Cameron had been lost in the ambience of the concert. The crowd, the lights. She hadn't been out to enjoy herself in so long. This was a much needed break.

Soon she would go back to her normal life, working her ass off at Harden for little to no recognition.

"It was so nice meeting you Cameron." Mychal waved.

"It was nice meeting you too."

"Girl, we gotta link sometime. Delia can't be hiding you." Hazel gave her another hug.

"Maybe you can convince her to come out, she doesn't listen to me." Delia laughed.

"Well I hope this means we'll see you again." Klay spoke up.

This surprised the group because Klay never said too much. They expected him to say "bye" at most.

"If Delia invites me out, I'll see if I can show up, work is always unpredictable." She nervously giggled, all eyes were on her.

"Well Dede, make sure you invite her to the next game."

"I'll look for some tickets." Delia shrugged.

Klay wasn't having that though. "Nah, it's on me. I'll text you the details."

"I guess I'll see you then?" Cameron questioned.

"Yeah, definitely."

Klay walked away with Draymond and Hazel.

Cameron didn't realize it but this group of people would be apart of her life changing in the wildest of ways. The most unexpected experiences to come.

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