18 // We Have A Problem

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"I'm gonna be honest... I hated that movie." Cameron shared after the coast was clear.

"You and Jordan both." Delia laughed as she cleaned up behind everyone.

Their movie night ended and they were all preparing for tomorrow's game. Most were already sleep in their rooms. "Well, at least I'm not the only one."

She didn't care for the plot but she did like Hazel's performance. Jordan felt the whole thing was lack luster from the production to the acting. It was hard watching Hazel work with other people who didn't convince him.

Cameron had thrown the last red cup out and plopped on the bed, her phone had lit up and she quickly glanced at it. The number was unsaved but she had recognized it somehow. Unlocking her phone she had read the text message.

I know you're in Houston, because he hasn't texted me back. We need to talk.

Cameron laughed at the text before rolling her eyes. "There's just no way" She muttered.

"You good friend?" Cameron waved Delia off, "I'm fine. I'm definitely tired though. I'm gonna get up early and check my emails. I expect the author I'm working with to send me back their final updates on their book."

"Always working." Delia laughed, "I'll let it slide since is really what you're supposed to be doing for work."


Cameron did not enjoy the humidity that casted upon her skin as she walked along the pool area. She had just finished an early morning workout and needed air, but coming outside did not grant it.

She thought back to the text message she received last night from Erika and her plan was to squash it all before it went further than it needed to. She had planned to meet with her, after the game that would be the only time she had to sneak away, fully because everyone would be preparing for the after events.

"You're up and out early." Ironically, Klay had just come back from meditating. "So are you Thompson. Where are you headed?"

"I actually wanted to come up and see you. But, I walked past and caught your profile from the hallway." He chuckled.

"You were looking for me?" He shrugged, "Exactly that. Now, let's grab something to eat."

"Can we order in?" Cameron truly wanted to relax before she dedicated herself to a 'work from home' day.

"Of course."


"What is your deepest desire?" Klay asked as he stole a piece of Cameron's bacon.

"My deepest desire is to feel contentment. Of course I would want to be a published author but, I want to be happy while doing whatever I decide to do."

"That's a great answer honestly." Klay thought for a moment, he was sure she would be asking him the same question. "You'll probably ask.."

"You're right, because i do want to know."

"My deepest desire is being in a loving environment. No strings, just love. I grew up in a place of constant expectation and it very rarely felt like love. That's what I would want."

They sat in his room, eating and chatting with one another. His phone buzzed and he glanced at the screen quickly.

I know you brought her down here. We need to talk.

Klay had the number saved and he knew this was something he dreaded doing. He hated letting someone down, even if he didn't care too much about them as a person.

Memoir | Klay ThompsonWhere stories live. Discover now