33 // Fill Me In

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"Cameron, I'm so excited for the release. You just don't know!"

"AC, I'm excited too. Delia has been working hard on finding the perfect book location for the reading. Maybe even a book tour?" The young woman's eyes lit up as they discussed the plans for her book.

Cameron had been working on Infinity for the past year. This was the fastest and longest project she ever worked on. In a sense, other books of good quality at Harden take longer to work on. And usually she would be taken off the project before she could see it through its stages. She fought hard for this book.

"What's your plans for the day?"

"I'll be seeing a friend of mine and volunteering in Oakland. What about you?"

"I actually have a flight back home to see my family. My mom misses me and so does my idiot brother."

There was a pang in Cameron's chest at the mention of family. She wasn't sure how to felt to be truly desired by people, appreciated for just being there despite their differences.


9 year old Cameron ran through the house excited to share with her foster parents that she had been nominated for a writing award. Her teacher made copies to go home so her student's work could go in a folder or a mantle or coveted spot on the fridge.

"Mrs. Powell, look! I did a good thing at school today." Young Cameron showed her mother figure the stapled papers with the brought yellow smiley face stickers. "Is that so? What is it?"

"One of my short stories was selected to be in a competition."

Fran Powell was one of the most recommended foster mothers in the Northern Delaware. But this woman was far from motherly. If she were 100% evil, it would be understandable but she wasn't. She would have these moments where she was everything a child could ask for in their situation until her boyfriend or mentally unstable friends came around. She tortured the kids until they either ran off, went to jail or aged out.

Right now Cameron was in the house with Fran, and her temporary siblings. She had been the only long term child in the house for a year. She was glad there were others now.

"That's nice."

"Don't lie to that girl, nobody cares Garrett." Rodney, Fran's boyfriend laughed. A switch hit and Fran turned cold, "Yeah, nobody cares chile go get Donny and Joseph."

"You okay?" AC asks collecting her things. "I'm okay. Let's head out of here."


"Thank you all for coming, we need to talk."

Klay called a family meeting because he refused to allow whatever was happening behind his back continue.

"Son, you need to rest. Your trainer will be here soon." Julie reminded. Klay didn't want to think about training or basketball right now.

"I'll rest when you decide to tell me what's going on with Cameron."

Mychel groaned first, he didn't want to talk about that woman. It annoyed him that Klay never stood up for anyone else in his life but he was going to bat for a stranger.

"What's your deal?"

"Klay, what's your deal? What does this woman have on you?" Klay looked around wondering who Mychel was talking to.

"This woman you speak of is the woman I am trying to build something with. Her name is Cameron. She doesn't have anything on me. She's not some gold digger."

"I know nothing of this woman, if she's not a gold digger. Who is she?" Julie asks.

"The same woman I told you works with Delia."

Julie thought for a moment, "You told me you stopped seeing Delia's friend."

"Yes, Erika. Years ago. I told you I was seeing Delia's friend Erika and that she didn't know. Cameron is nothing like Erika."

"You're dating another one of her friends? Well I'll be, that makes sense why she never wants to talk to me."

"What did you say to her?" Klay's time has changed and everyone in the room felt a way about it. "Don't speak to your mother in that tone!"

"I—I called her a gold digger and I made comments about her sticking around for fame and money. That she's been lying to you about being humble and meek when she has Ulterior motives."

It all made sense. Cameron would say she's too busy to have dinner with his parents or would leave as soon as family time was proposed.

"You're the reason she refuses to say she loves me back." Klay shook his head.
"You love her?" This caught his whole family by surprised. Klay never mentioned being in love with anyone before. Not in adult age.

"I do. I've never felt this way about anyone before."

"Can I go now?" Mychel asks, "Since you got it figured out?"

Klay didn't bother to look at his brother, he kept his conversation with his parents. "Mychal do something."

"Son, just don't ruin your life over this woman. I'm going to talk to your brother and I'll see you all for dinner later."

Mychal soon left the living room following Mychel. Klay and Julie sat on the couch as Rocco decided now was his time to sit with his owner.

"You believe she loves you too?"

Klay was sure of it.


"You're doing it again." Nathan snickered as Cameron placed down her fork. "Doing what?"

"When you get excited, you eat then you sit down and you jump up again."

"Oh yeah, I tend to do that."

She would almost be flattered that he noticed that, but Klay pointed that out to her awhile ago. She missed him. It had been some days since she seen him and the lingering effect of I love you hung over her.

She could admit she loved Klay but she still had her reservations about their whole relationship. In the moment where he needed her most, she was there.

And in that moment she craved his appreciation. He declared his love for someone else.

How could he not remember? How couldn't he read her mind?

The thing was, she wasn't upset at the other woman considering who he claimed to love was


The man she was in love with, is in love with her best friend. That's why she couldn't believe that he loved her.

Memoir | Klay ThompsonWhere stories live. Discover now