40 // Acknowledgements

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"Cameron I'll take the bitch head off, pregnant or not." Delia gave a tight lipped smile.

"No, bring me the asshole with the notepad. That's who I really need to speak to."

"Fine." Delia walked away leaving Cameron alone.

After a small back and forth, Klay listened to what she asked by finding a place to temporarily hide out. She didn't need her event turning into a Basketball Wives audition for Gabby. The way to eliminate the problem is removing the shiny toy she wanted to play with.

Gabriene was smart enough to leave the Thompson family alone for now, that wouldn't give her the attention that was needed.

"Before you say it, hell no I didn't come here with her." Maurice sighed.
"What are you doing here?" She asked ignoring his opening statement.

"Regardless of what you think of me, I still care about you. This is important to you and since I'm still in town, I came to celebrate you. Michelle is here, so is my idiot brother."

"Yeah, I remember Michelle reserving tickets for them. And how did you get here?"

"I requested a press pass." He shrugged.

Of course.

"Just stay out of my way. Got it?" Maurice nodded, going about his business. There were a lot of people that he wanted to talk to in the building. His main concern wasn't to bring more drama to Cameron's life at this point. He had other goals to achieve that were more promising.

"Miranda's here. So you don't have to give the speech." McKenna shared as she walked along Cameron's side.

"Good, can you come with me to check in with the writers?"

"Yeah, of course."


"You're not my favorite person, I'll admit. But this shit I wouldn't wish on anyone. Especially because it affects someone I care about."

Somehow Klay and Maurice found themselves next to each other at the hotel bar. Not many people were in there due to the gala but it wasn't awkwardly empty.

"All of a sudden you care about Cameron?" Klay questioned.

"I always have. I handled it the wrong way when I left but never mistake that poor decision for me not caring about her. I don't know if she realized it yet, but we had outgrown each other and there was no reason for us to continue our lives together. What I wanted was in Miami and what she wanted was in San Francisco. I owe her an apology ten times over but I won't take back what happened, she wouldn't be here had I not left."

"What are you doing here now? What's your purpose? You've done nothing but cause her trouble."

Maurice chuckled, he understood Klay's concern. But the only person hurting her now was him. Klay was the source of her pain.

"You've done the same." Klay had no response for that, realizing it was true. "What I don't get is how by now you should understand how she works and you continue to work against her. She hates liars and then you lie. What do you expect when something looks bad but you're telling the truth?"

Again, Klay had no response. He was as used to lying to people to spare their feelings. He lied to himself and others to spare his own feelings. Clearly he needed to get to the root of that without tearing Cameron down with him.

"I hope in her heart she can forgive you. Cause it's already proven I was not the one for her. I don't want her wasting her years due to hurt that men have caused her when you still have time to love her right."

Memoir | Klay ThompsonWhere stories live. Discover now