Lars ulrich

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You and Lars went from enemies to lovers sit back relax and read the book.

Listen to the song on the second slide when I say o

February 24th 1987

Y/n pov:

Today was the 1st day of tour James was my brother so of course I came to support him but I don't even know if it was worth it considering Lars was going to be there I hate him with a passion.

I grab my suitcases that were in front of me and dragged them to the tour bus that we would be staying in for a months so I had to live with that shit head lats for so many days and hours.

I dragged my big huge suitcase up the stairs and into the tour bus it was actually bigger then I thought it would be.

As I was looking around the tour bus I heard someone up the door "hello who is it? I asked "oh it's me lars" he said with an attitude.

"Oh get out of the bus I don't want you in here" I say pissed just wanting my own person space.

"What's go your panties all in a bunch sweetheart?" He asked me "nothing it's just that I kind of wanted to be alone tonight.

For some reason I felt myself getting wet down there I know I said I hated Lars but I kind of lied I wanted him to fuck me so bad and I was desperate and stressed.

I was biting my lip hard trying to stop myself from pushing him on the wall but I couldn't take it any longer so I did what he would have never expected.

"You know what Lars I can't take it no more you make me wet every fucking day I just wanna fuck you so bad" I stopped when I realized I had just blurred that all out in front of him.

Okay play music here

I then walk up to him and push him against the wall hard and started taking of his shirt he was so shocked he didn't even do nothing he just stood there.

I started rubbing my hands up and down his barley visible abs but they were still they're then I slowly rub my hand down to his bulge that was clearly visible in them tight jeans.

I grab the top of his pants and pull them down slowly I started to palm him pretty hardly I saw him lean his head back in pleasure "fuck me" he says quietly.

After palming him for a couple minutes I decided it was time to give him head so I grab his boxers and pull them down his dick springs up in my face causing me to lick my lips.

I grab his dick and started kitty licking it "fuck baby stop teasing me" he says impatiently "okay baby" I say then I situate my hands that are on his duck and grabbed it more sternly.

I then started shoving his hard long dick in my mouth  "ugh fuck go faster baby I can't take it" Lars says moaning out loud in pleasure.

So I do as he asked and started bobbing my head up and down harder I then felt his hand on the back of my head pushing me down further onto his dIck.

"F-f-fuck I'm about to cum" he says panting hard he was sweating up a storm there was sweat dripping everywhere it turned me on even more then I already was.

After bobbing my head up and down a little long I then feel warm cum into my mouth.

"That was so amazing but now it's your turn" he says looking at me I nod my head and start stripping down my clothes I was down to my panties then I felt him grab my hand.

"I got this baby girl" he says looking at me. I nod my head and let him take off my panties I felt his hand tug the top of my panties I feel then slowly being pulled down.

After he finally got my panties off I feel his fingers reach up to my clit and started rubbing my pussy in a up and down motion and circle motion "oh my fuck I say.

"Go faster lars" I say impatiently he does as I ask and started rubbing my clit faster "fuck I think I'm about to cum Lars" I say okay baby cum on my fingers" he spoke back.

He thrusted his fingers inside me then something unexpected Happened he pumped his fingers inside me then I squirted everywhere on his face and everything.

Usually I just cum but this time I squirted he had it all over his face and shirt I wanted to laugh so hard at the mess I made.

"Lars i what you to fuck me know" I say he nods his head he walks over to me he grabs grabs his dick and Inserted his dick in me and I dug my nails into the bed.

"Fuck faster" I yell he then starts thrusting faster he reached his hands around my back and pushed me further onto his dick making it go in deeper.

He thrust we're getting slopper which means he's about to cum after a couple more thrust I then heard him panting before I could say anything he came inside of me.

Oh no he didn't have a condom on and I don't take birth control but I'm not going to tell him cause then it would ruin a good moment.

Right when he pulls out of me the door opens up and James my fucking bother was standing there with the most shocked face I've ever seen "what the fuck is going on in here.
And why are you fucking my sister?" James asked.

I honestly didn't know what to say but it was awkward considering Lars fucking dick inside me as I was sitting there I felt another warm liquid in my pussy.

"What the fuck did he just cum inside me while my bother was sitting right there.

"James get the fuck out please Lars dick is just sitting inside me" i say embarrassed I then see him walk away "Lars did you just cum in me while my bother was yelling at me?" I asked.

"Yes sorry about that it kind of slipped out" he says i laugh at his silliness and just roll my eyes.

What did y'all think about that chapter if you what me to make a part 2 let me know anyways I hope everyone has a good day 🫶🫶 and a good Christmas if you celebrate it

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